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"She really left..." He mumbled
"She left, and left me her dagger..." He stopped and contemplated for a split second.
"Wait." He picked up the letter. "She said she might not return." He looked at the letter and studied it closer. "She is going to face him head on?! What is she thinking! She is an amazing fighter but even she can't face them on her own." He groaned
"I can't do this again. The fact that she did this willingly makes this worse!" he said, sitting down on the bed. Theo walked into the room.
"Good morning, Your Highness."
"Oh... Hello Theo." Elijah looked up at him, with red, puffy eyes, startling Theo with the condition the prince was in.
"Your Highness, is everything alright?" Theo asked, looking down at Elijah.
"... Did... Did Meg come up to you and ask you to fill in for her?" Elijah asked.
"Yes she did." Theo said.
"Was she sick?" Elijah asked.
"She didn't seem sick, I only took her word for it" He admitted "But she looked like she wasn't in the mental state to guard so I took over for her for as long as I needed.".
"When she talked to you, what did she look like?" Elijah asked, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signalling Theo to sit down next to him. Theo obliged, sitting down gently so as to not cause much commotion. That Reminded Elijah of Meg.
"Well... When I was called over to her room she looked like she hadn't slept in days. The skin around her eyes was dry and flakey. She looked like she had been crying based on how red and puffy her eyes were. Her hair was a mess and it looked like she hadn't eaten.". Theo admitted.
"Well Theo, you might want to read this little letter she left.". Elijah said, carefully handing it to Theo. Theo took the letter and carefully looked over the messy writing she left behind.
"That actually makes a lot of sense.". Theo said, handing the letter back to Elijah, knowing that he would get upset if he wrinkled it even a little bit.
"And take a look at this!" Elijah said again, carefully handing her dagger to him. Theo took it and admired the fine details of it, making sure to not leave smudges on the blade.
"This is a very beautiful dagger." Theo admitted, handing it back to Elijah. "What is the significance of this dagger?".
"This was her lucky dagger." Elijah explained. "It was her favorite."
"Was it really?" Theo asked, still calm.
"It was..." Elijah put it in it's small scabbard and held it close to his chest.
"She has had this ever since we first met." Elijah said, going into more detail about the dagger, while Theo nodded his head while taking in everything Elijah was saying.
"This is actually how I knew she was alive." Elijah explained.
"What do you mean? How did you guys even meet if she was a peasant and a theif" Theo asked.
"Well..." He pauses, starting to get emotional, remembering the story..
"She actually was coming into the castle to rob it and she just happened to come in through my window. I for some stupid reason decided to le her stay instead of calling the guards and we became friends. She was about 11 and I was 13. We hung out every day until one day she magically disappeared for years into the future due to forced assassination. She disappeared for five years. My current friends tried to convince me that she was just an imaginary friend, so they decided that to prove to me that she was "fake" they took me out into the forest to look for her and we lost hope until I found this dagger. That's how I knew she was alive." Elijah explained, tears forming in his eyes.
"What happened next?" Theo beckoned.
"Well, she technically found us. We were both looking for each other, but for different reasons." Elijah said, tearing up more. "I was looking to find her because I missed her, She was looking for me to..."
"To?" Theo asked.
"...Kill me."
"Kill you? That bitch!" Theo claimed Elijah cut him off.
"Don't you dare every call her that!" Elijah yelled.
"She tried to kill you! That makes her a bitch!" Theo explained.
"She isn't a bitch." Elijah said , getting more quiet, feeling more guilty because he implied that she was one when they had that argument.
"She was forced, but she admitted that she couldn't do it. The leader of the clan she was forced into followed her and attempted to kill her and then me. She got me out of her and killed the leader." Elijah said, looking down. "Or... So we thought."Elijah thought and looked up at Theo with wide eyes.
"If we didn't have that argument then she wouldn't have left.". Elijah admitted.
"What do you mean. It says in this letter that she did it to protect you." Theo said, pointing to the letter.
"But if we didn't she would've actually felt comfortable talking to me. We could've talked it out. We could've come up with a plan to wipe them out. I know she is reckless when it comes to these types of things and thinks that she can take care of it all and put herself in dager. We could have figured it out together." Elijah exclaimed. "Just because I got jealous!" He said, starting to yell and looked down at the letter, brushing his fingers over the dried ink.
"And yet she felt the same...".
"Elijah. I am so sorry.". Theo said in a quiet voice.
"You know... You kind of remind me of her." Elijah stated.
"What do you mean?" Theo asked, raising one eyebrow.
"You are willing to listen to me without getting annoyed." Elijah explained. "Your voice is quiet when a situation is not exactly the most ecstatic.".
"Well. I'm glad I could assist. Still, you must make your way to the dining hall. Your family is waiting for you." Theo explained getting up, motioning Elijah to get up as well and follow him down the hallways. Elijah got up and took her dagger and wrapped the sheath on his left thigh. Just like she does. He then dodged the maids who were making their way in and out of her room, cleaning up all the dirty dishes and dirty clothes she had left in her room.
Elijah made his way to the dining hall, as soon as he sat down, his parent noticed his dejected look, matching the queens.
"I'm assuming that you heard the news?" The queen asked her son.
"I did." Elijah admitted.
"What happened?" Stacy asked.
"Meg is gone." Elijah said, butlers coming out placing food in front of him. He picked up his fork and started playing with the food on his plate.
"What do you mean "Gone"?" Samantha asked.
"I mean she is gone!" Elijah said, starting to yell.
"Elijah, calm down. There is no need to yell at your sister." The king scolded the prince.
"Sorry father." Elijah said, defeated.
"Why'd she leave?" Stacy asked.
"Well..." He paused. "She stated in this letter that she didn't actually succeed in killing the leader of the assassins and so she went into the forest to finish the job.". He said, pulling out the letter from his pocket, presenting it to his family.
"Here, let me see the letter." the queen beckoned for her son to hand her the letter in which he hesitantly did so. The queen took the letter and started reading it.
"It's partially my fault..." Elijah claimed.
"What do you mean it is your fault?" the king asked.
"We got into an argument." Elijah admitted, still playing with his food, refusing to look up at anyone.
"What did you do?!" Smamntha asked, getting angrier at Elijah.
"Well... It got heated and I told her that I" He stopped taking a deep breath before he continued. "... wished she would disappear."
"Are you serious?! Why did you even get into an argument in the first place?!" Stacy started getting louder.
"It because I didn't like her being around other people." He stated.
"So you got into an argument because of jealousy?" Samantha asked. "You are so stupid!"
The queen sighed and handed the letter back to Elijah.
"So. We don't know if she is going to come back let alone even be alive." the queen stated.
"Yes..." Elijah admitted, his sisters who now have tears in their eyes at the news.
"But how is this your fault?" the queen asked.
"If we hadn't gotten into this argument, she would've been willing to talk to me and we could've figured out a better solution instead of her just leaving. I know her. When she is upset or can't think she makes reckless decisions. Usually when we talk it out we can do it together but we didn't this time. Now she is gone." Elijah said, tears forming in his eyes, now looking up at his mother.
"And what's this about her "liking" you?" the queen asked.
"Apparently she loves me..." Elijah's eyes started watering, tears streaming down his face.
"And you like her. Don't you?" the queen asked him.
"Do you like her?" the king asked.
"I do..." Elijah admitted, placing his head in his hands.
"That explains why you asked us if it would be okay to date someone who isn't royal.". The queen admitted. "That explains why you haven't taken interest in any of the suitors we have had lined up for you."
"She is the only one who I think is suitable for me if I plan on being a good king. Now I don't know if I will ever be happy as king.". Elijah admitted.
"I knew that we couldn't trust her." the king exclaimed.
"Honey, I know this is bad, but if she is going out for the whole kingdom, she is trying to protect our son.". The queen retaliated.
"She abandoned him!" the king said again.
"She left him with a highly trained guard." the queen explained.
"She's being incredibly stupid. Thinking that she could go off on her own." the king stated.
"I will admit. That is true, but her commitment to our son and the kingdom shows in this letter" the queen shoots back.
"Honey, I know you really like this girl, but at this point she is dead. You need to let her go." The king said, then looking back at Elijah "You too son."
"I'm not going to do that father. For the time being we need to stock up on soldiers and get a bigger guard and put the castle on lockdown due to the assassins making their way towards us. That also means no suitors. I do not want to look at the faces of any of those girls until this situation gets sorted out properly. In fact. No more suitors. I am done. The focus is now keeping everyone in the castle safe." Elijah suggested, parents agreeing. I am going to figure out how to find her and get her back. She knows information about the assassins that we don't. Once we find her we can get the information and use it to take down the assassins. Once they are gone and out of mind, the kingdom will be peaceful again." Elijah said and then called over Theo to stand behind him.
"This is Theo. He is my guard who Meg requested to replace her." Elijah explained. His sisters gave him a dirty look, not liking that there was a replacement for Meg.
"I have to go and talk to her personal trainer and break the news and what the next move will be." Elijah said, standing up and putting the letter in his pocket and he walked out of the room, Theo following close behind him.
Elijah and theo walked down the hallways and eventually made it to the door which led to the training grounds. Elijah stopped infront of the doors and turned to look up at Theo.
"Okay. Listen Theo. We are about to go out to the training fields to visit Alexander. If you do not know who that is, he is Meg's personal trainer. We are going to have to break the news to him and I would like to do it personally. When we go out, keep close watch. Last time I went out, there happened to be and assassin around the area. Keep an eye out and be 100% on guard this whole time. This is a fifteen minute walk. If you sense there is any danger let me know. If you are completely sure there is danger then say the word "Race". Once you say the word "Race" I will have to make my way back to the palace. Understand?" Elijah questioned.
"Yes Your Highness." Theo responded, opening the door for the prince to walk through, then closely following behind him, keeping watch.
Every little rustle of leaves startled Elijah, but he couldn't care, all he needed to do was get to Alexander so he made his best effort to get to the horse stables as soon as he possibly could.
. . .
Elijah made his way to the horse stables. He went through them, and looked at all the horses. He eventually walked by an empty stable. The stable had a little label on it's door. The label read "Tucker". Elijah sighed.
"She even took her horse..."
Elijah entered the dirty horse stable and took in the scenery. He noticed a little horse brush on the floor. He picked it up and it held a mix of brown and white fur from the horse. He decided to keep it with him. Before he could exit the stable, he heard a familiar voice call his name.
"Elijah? What are you doing in the horse stables? Where is Tucker?" Alexander said, walking into the horse stables with a bag of apples slung across his shoulder.
"Oh. Hey Alexander." Elijah said blankly.
"Looks like Meg must've taken her horse out for an early morning ride!" claimed Alexander.
"Yeah... About that." Elijah stated, making Alexander a little worried.
"She didn't go on a horse ride did she." Alexander noticed Theo behind Elijah, causing Elijah to tear up for a second.
"Alexander, I have some news..." He said to Alexander.
"Hey, follow me. Let's talk about it." Alexander said, opening the door to Tucker's stable, ushering the prince out of the stable and over to his tent.
. . .
Elijah sat down on Alexander's cot and Alexander made his way into his tent with a cup of water and handed it to the prince and the guard who stood next to him.
"Okay. So first question." Alexander stated.
"Who are you?"
"This is Theo. This is my new personal guard." Elijah explained.
"New personal guard? What happened to Meg?" Alexander asked.
"It'll be easier to explain if you just read this..." Elijah said, pulling the letter out of his pocket and handing it to Alexander. Alexander took the letter and unfolded it. It seemed as if by each individual line he read of the letter he became more and more angry at the letter.
"She really just got up and left." Alexander said, sighing in frustration and putting his head in his hands. "I talked to her about this.".
"What do you mean?" Elijah questioned, leaning back on his arms on the cot.
"I talked to her about this." Alexander reiterated "We were sitting up on that hill over there. He opened the tent flap and pointed to a bench that sat on top of a hill.
"She said that she was putting everyone in danger and that she had to leave. I told her that we could do it all together and get it done as a team but she said she didn't want anyone else to get hurt so she wanted to do it herself. I knew she had information on the subject and so I said we could use that and use the palace knights to take the assassins down. I told her that we care about her and she is important to everyone in the castle but I guess she just didn't listen." he claimed. "I don't think there was any way of talking her out of going on her own to kill the boss.".
"Oh. By the way. I came out here and found you kissing her. What was that about?" Elijah asked, a stern look resting on his face, staring Alexander down.
"Oh. That. It was in the heat of the moment. I initiated it. It was both our first kiss.". Alexander explained.
"What do you mean exactly?" Elijah questioned, sitting up.
"Meg was talking herself down and I was saying that she was important and I wanted her around. One thing led to another and we ended up kissing. Still, that's beyond the point. She's gone. She might not come back. That is the issue at hand. What are we going to do about it?" Alexander said, switching topics, trying to think about what in the world they could do to fix what was going on.
"So, looking in this letter, she said that she didn't want us to look for her," Alexander pointed out.
"Yes. That is correct."Elijah agreed.
"We are going to have to go look for her." Alexander stated, looking Elijah dead in the eye.
"Wouldn't she be mad?" Elijah asked.
"Of course she would be mad, but what other option do we have? The chances are that she is most likely going to die. Would you rather have her be alive and have her be angry or just have her be dead?" Alexander said, making his way closer towards Elijah.
"She is mad and alive." Elijah retaliated.
"Then let's go find her. Luckily I know the perfect person to go to..."
. . .
Meg rode though the dark woods. Black cloak flowing behind her, Black mask covering her face. Every inch of her covered so they wouldn't be able to tell who is who. She rode down a trail in the woods until went off the trail. She kept riding until she came in contact with a wall of bushes. She immediately went in them. She followed a maze until she made her way into an open area with a bunch of tents placed sporadically across the area. There are always empty tents so she found one and set up there, tucking her horse away and putting her things down. Luckily she knew the routine. She knew it well. She walked out and looked for any new details on the area, when a couple people came up and interrogated her.
"Who exactly are you?" one of them asked.
Meg didn't expect someone to come up to her this early so she had to think fast. She quickly put on an accent and thought of a name.
"Oh! Uh. My name is Regalliv. I am new here. I've been exploring the area, I already got a tent." Meg said, barely any expression in her voice. As she normally should.
"Really. Who recruited you?" The other assassin asked.
"Her name is Tammy. She directed me here." Meg explained.
"And where is Tammy?" one of the Assassins asked. Meg had to think of something fast.
"She... She... got mauled by animals on the way back" Meg lied.
"Well Regalliv. Welcome to the family then. What made you want to join." the assassins asked. Meg thought again.
"Some kids bullied my little brother to the point where he took his own life... I want to get revenge..." Meg stated.
"That's good. That is part of our cause.Make yourself at home." They said, "See that small cabin over there?"
"No I do not" Meg lied.
"That is where our leader is. Go give him a visit." one of them stated, ushering her to go to the cabin.
"I will go and say hi" Meg stated.
"If you ever need help, feel free to ask around. We are willing to help a newbie." the stated, one putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. Meg nodded and tried to pull away to go to the cabin, when they held her back.
"And don't disobey the boss." They said, "He is always watching"
Meg gulped at that. Even though she knew that was true, it still scared her everytime it was said. Especially now. She knew she had to go see him because they were gonna watch her go into the cabin. She had to go in either way. No better time like the present. Right?
Meg knocked on the door of the cabin and waited patiently for an answer.
"Come in." she heard, giving her the signal. She carefully opened the door and made her way inside.
She saw who she expected to see. The boss, but now with a scar on his neck from where she cut him. The boss had his feet on the desk. He had darts in his hand and he was throwing them at a target. When he noticed her he put the darts down and brought his feet back under his desk.
"Hello. You are?" The boss asked.
"My name is Regalliv." Meg said in her fake voice.
"And what is your business here?" he asked. She could feel his cold stare through his mask.
"I am a new recruit." she claimed.
"Really..." he paused, making her nervous.
"Yes" Meg retaliated
"And why do you want to be an assassin?" the boss asked.
"My brother was bullied by the kids in my village. He was bullied to the point where he took his own life. I want my revenge." Meg stated
"Then you have come to the right place. Where did you get the mask and cloak?" the boss questioned.
"I- u-ummmmmm... Tammy! Tammy recruited me but she got killed by a bear, so I just took it. She told me she wanted me to use it before she passed." Meg claimed.
"I'm surprised. Why isn't it ripped up?" the boss claimed, wanting answers, skeptical of this new person who suddenly took interest in his cause.
"Uhh.... The bear somehow managed to.... Not damage the cloak and mask. I guess I got lucky. She inspired me to join, so I thought I would wear it in her honor" Meg Claimed, sweating a little under her mask.
"I see..." the boss said. "I'm glad you decided to take part in our cause. You know what our cause is right?".
"I only know what I was told." Meg exclaimed.
"Here, come stand by me, I wanna tell you something." The boss said, beckoning Meg to make her way over to his side.
"People tend to think that we are the bad guys right?" the boss stated, looking at Meg through his mask.
"Yes." Meg returned.
"In reality we are the good guys. You know why?" The boss asked.
"I don't." Meg lied.
"We get rid of authority. We get rid of the bad people. The people who are abusive or controlling. We free those from bad by killing the people who provide it." He explained. "You need to keep this phrase in mind whenever you are hesitant to kill."
"The only way to give is to take." He said. "Now say it with me on three."
"The only way to give is to take" They both said in unison.
"Always keep in mind. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys. We are doing society a favor by wiping out every last person who is controlling and has done wrong to others." He exclaimed, putting a reassuring hand on Meg's shoulder.
Meg looked to the dart board on the wall. The target board was filled with darts. She took a closer look to see a photo of someone on the dart board. She noticed the photo of the person on the target was a picture of herself. Still, she was curious about how he felt so she asked him about it.
"Um... Who is that on the dart board?" Meg said, pointing to the board with her picture on it.
"Her..." The boss growled "She tried to pull something unforgivable"
"What did she do?" Meg asked.
"She was given a task and never pulled through." he said, getting angrier the more he talked about it.
"She then attempted to kill me. Little does she know... I don't die that easily." Meg could practically hear the smirk on his face when he spoke.
"And what are you going to do about it?" Meg asked, feeling a little uneasy.
"Well... We tried to kill her..." He explained. "But then that stupid price jumped in and saved her, so we are working out a way to find her. And as soon as we do..." He didn't finish his sentence. He picked up a dart and threw it at the target, landing a direct bullseye. The dart landed in the center of her face.
"She Burns."
Meg gulped. She knew he wanted her dead but didn't know he wanted her dead THAT bad. It makes sense though why he would.
"What should I do if I ever come across her?" Meg asked.
"Take immediate action and kill her. No hesitation. You see the opportunity to strike, you do so." The boss explained. "Speaking of. How good of a fighter are you?"
"I would say I'm good. I've been fighting my entire life, so I feel as if I could be of use." Meg said, pleasing the boss with her response.
"Well. You seem to be a good fit for our little group. Pick a tent and make yourself comfortable." The boss said. Meg started to leave but the boss stopped her one more time before she left.
"And Regalliv?" he asked.
"Yes sir?" she turned around to look at him.
"Do not ever say no to anything I ask. You will not like the consequences. You're new so I will be a little easy on you but I do NOT give second chances. You do it right the first time or you will pay for your failure." he said. "You are dismissed.".
Meg walked out of the cabin and let out a huge breath that she had been keeping in for the whole conversation. That was more scary than she thought it would be, and seeing her face on a dart board which was covered in darts didn't make her feel any better. This was going to be harder than she thought based on how bad they had it out for her. One screw up and she is dead. She is going to have to be extra careful now, but before she can make any moves, she needs to gather some info on everything she missed out on and what is new before she does anything. It seems like it would have been easy enough to just kill the boss right then and there but Meg knows him. He is a very good fighter and with how unprepared she was in there, she would've died in an instant. What she needs is to build up trust. Even if that means doing a little bit of killing in the process.
ONce she set up, she went around and spoke to the people who were also part of the clan. Old friends and new recruits. It hurt her that she couldn't reveal herself to her old friends and talk to them as herself because she knows that if she does. She will die. Being here brings out the worst side of her. She eventually made her way around the whole campsite, taking in new information when her name was called already. She knew what it was for. She made her way back to the cabin.
"Hello again Regalliv." The boss greeted Meg.
"Hello sir. You called?" Meg asked, knowing exactly what he called her for.
"I have your first task for you. You think you can do it?" He asked with a tone in his voice that told her she had no choice.
"Yes sir." she responded.
"That's great Regalliv. This is Nancy Williams." He said, handing Meg a photo of a sweet looking middle aged woman. She had Red hair and freckles. She had short curly hair and a round face with kind eyes. She looked so... innocent. This was going to be painful.
"Nancy is the maid of a man named Adam Smith. Another woman requested that she be assassinated due to their past." He stated, giving the location of the house. "This is the location of their cottage. It is in the forest. It's an easy break in. In and Out. Easy. She shouldn't be that fast, should be moderately easy for your first time." He said, Meg nodding her head.
"Here." the boss said, turning around and ushering her to follow him into a back room.
"We keep our weapons here." He stated, presenting the weapons in the chests and on the walls. "Take your pick.".
Meg walked in and grabbed a sword. She grabbed an old dagger and wrapped it around her left thigh. She grabbed a barrage of smoke bomb and cloraform and hung it aroundher waist, underneath her cloak, making sure her armour wasn't visible. She made sure she had everything before walking out of the room, thanking the boss while taking the photo of the sweet little maid and walked towards the door before the boss stopped her.
"And remember Regalliv. If you fail..." The boss picked up a dart and threw it at the dart board, striking another bullseye, making Meg jump and lose her accent a little bit when she spoke.
"Yes sir." she said, rushing out the door. The sudden pitch change in her voice confused the boss for a second but he quickly got over it assuming that it was first time nerves.
Meg ran into the woods, following the map the boss gave her. As soon as she made it out of the safe area where all the assassins lived she made sure to stay low as to not be seen, being cautious of all her surroundings. This place was not far off so it shouldn't take long at all.
After about an hour, Meg came across a small cottage. It had already become dark out, so she didn't have to wait for the sun to go down. Meg opened the first floor window and silently snuck into the house. The house was spotless.
"This woman must be good at her job." Meg thought to herself as she explored the house.
"I imagine how much this family might depend on this maid. What I will be taking away from them.". Meg thought to herself and then thought back to her motive. Gain the boss's trust. But is it worth it? Taking an innocent person's life? Meg thought for a moment more.
"Even if it weren't me, they would just send someone else after her. She is guaranteed death by the assassins.." She thought to herself, continuing to sneak around the house.
"I'm doing this to free everyone. Not because they told me to. She would understand." Meg thought again. How'd she ever do this before with no guilt. All she could feel was guilt. She just had to keep his motive in mind, which made her feel a little better about it.
"The only way to give is to take..." She took a deep breath and made her way down a small hallway past the small kitchen of the house.
She looked in the rooms and saw a couple. Husband and wife. It made her feel sick. How she migh not ever have that with anybody, but she ignored it. She looked into another room and saw two children sleeping soundly in there. One who looked to be around ten and the other one around eight. The smaller one was hugging a bunny stuffed animal and the older one had a small dog laying in their bed as if it was protecting them. She walked past that room, silently cursing under her breath. She eventually made her way to the room at the end of the hallway where the one and only Nancy Williams slept. She looked so sweet. She slept so peacefully, her slow breaths sounded like a lullaby. Meg decided it would be easiest to take her out of the house and hide her instead of doing it on the spot. Spare the children from the trauma.
Meg pulled out the chloroform and a cloth and held it over her face to make sure that she wouldn't wake up. Meg pulled her up out of her bed and slung her over her shoulder and then made her way back to the front of the house, not making a sound and carried them both out of the window. She ran far away from the house and into the woods and set the maid up against the tree. Meg looked at her and groaned.
"Your looks are not making this any easier you know." Meg was struck by how kind and pure she looked, but who knows. Maybe she could be a really bad person but Meg wasn't about to wake her up and find out for herself. Meg paced back and forth and sighed and looked at the lady, sleeping so peacefully.
"She would be so terrified if she was awake. It is easier on both you and this woman if you just did it now before anyone finds out." Meg thought to herself. She pulled out her sword and held it up.
"I'm sorry. I'll make this quick." Meg said quietly. Her face scrunched underneath her mask as she quickly swung her sword down, a thump hitting the ground. Her sword now covered in blood as she silently cried underneath her mask.
. . .
Elijah and Alexander made their way down to the dungeon to talk to a certain someone.
"Who exactly are we going to meet Alex?" Elijah questioned, making sure to watch every step her took to make sure he didn't fall down the slippery staircase.
"The assassin who tried to kill you." Alexander said, making sure he held his torch at an angle in which it would light up the whole staircase.
Elijah gulped at the news of who they were going to visit.
"Don't worry Elijah. She is completely locked up. You will be perfectly fine." Alexander said as the entered the dungeon. The walked in and skimmed the cells until the found a cell on the left wall of the dungeon which held the very assassin they were searching for.
"Hello." Alexander greeted.
"What do you want?" The assassin snapped back.
"What is your name?" Alexander asked, kneeling down towards the assassin.
"It's Tammy." She growled.
"Hey now. No need to get hostile with me. Me and the prince just have a couple questions and we will be on our way.
"Whatever gets you out of my face." Tammy groaned, rolling her eyes. "What do you need to know?"
"Did Meg come to you for help?" Elijah asked a little shaken up by who he was talking to..
"Yes, she took my mask and cloak.".
"What else did she say?". Alexander questioned
"She wanted to free all the assassins who were taken by force by killing the boss." Tammy said, a little hope in her eyes just by thinking about it.
"What do you know about the boss?" Elijah asked.
"Why do you need to know?" Tammy retaliated.
"Just give us an answer." Alexander demanded.
"Yeah, whatever loverboy.", Tammy stated, "He is a guy."
"Stop being a smartass. What is his name and age?" Elijah commanded.
"Okay! His name is Christian. He is twenty seven.". Tammy explained.
"You need to tell us everything you know about Christian" Alexander stated.
"I really don't" Tammy exclaimed.
"Okay. What do you want within reason, that could get you to talk." Elijah asked.
"Hmmm ... Just get me some good food and water and a new change of clothes." Tammy presented her deal.
"Okay, we will get you a meal of your choice and a fresh pair of clothes after you tell us everything you know about him"
Tammy thought for a second.
"Okay, it's a deal." She agreed.
Now gather around and listen closely because I'm only going to explain this to you once.

This is the tale of Christian Salis.

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