part eight

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Yuri open her eyes, she carefully wake up from her lay and sit on her bed, facing a mirror.

Yuri slowly looked in the mirror, at herself. Her face have a bruises same goes at her body effect of yesterday.

Yuri can't hold her tears, finally she's crying in silent. Yuri was sobbing so hard.

She touch the bruises and yelped in pain. Yuri stood up, she still want to go to school.

Luckily her parents was not in tht house, they go to their friend's house for a day.

Yuri quickly grabbed her towel and take a quick shower since she already late.

She wearing her uniform and tied her hair up. Yuri grabbed her bag and she walked leaving the house.

YURI entered the school, now she was everyone attention since she didn't covered her bruises with a make up.

Yuri noticed all eyes were on her, she ignored them and walked to her class. Yuri already tired with them.

"Hey Yuri." Yuri lift her head up, and saw Gyuri and her gang was in front of her with smirking. Yuri just look at her with no emotion.

"What do you want again, Gyuri?" ask Yuri slowly, her voice full of sad.

Gyuri chuckles. "Awww what's wrong with your face huh? Being beated? From who?" ask her sarcastically.

Goeun squeaked. "Must be her parents, Gyul. Poor her." said Goeun evilly. Yuri nodded.

"If yes, why did you guys care? Just do your own business." Gyuri gasped and gritted her teeth.

She pulled Yuri's hair roughly make Yuri yelped in pain. "How dare you to said like that to us?! Bitch!" shouted Gyuri.

All of the students looked and didn't want to bothering them. They just watching the scene.

"Let's just add the bruises on her face, guys." said Chowon and rolled her eyes.

"Enough!!" someone shouted, make all of them look at the voice.

Yuri saw Yena was walking closer to them and grabbed Gyuri's hand. She pushed the hand away aggressively and stood up in front of Yuri.

"You again! Why did you always bothering us?!" mad Gyuri and Yena chuckles. All of a sudden, she punch Gyuri's face.

Make Gyuri fell off on the floor and her gang quickly helped her. Yuri shocked, she look at Yena. The other student also shocked.

"Cannot respect a senior huh? Then, respect her. She more better than you. Don't make a scene, Gyuri."

said Yena and she turn to Yuri. After that, Yena pulled Yuri and they walked leaving Gyuri and her gang dumbfounded.

Gyuri gritted her teeth, she sighed madly as she punch the class door.

"U-UNNIE.." Yuri called Yena and Yena stopped in front of the toilet. The coridor was quiet.

Yena turn around and stares to Yuri. Yuri gulped and looked down. All of a sudden, she can feel Yena touch her bruise carefully and gentle.

Yuri yelped in pain. "Let's go. Let's treat your bruises." said Yena make Yuri look at her.

"What? No, unnie. We have class. We might be late." answer Yuri scaredly but Yena shook her head.

"I don't care about that. Let's treat this first. It might be more worse." retorted Yena and then she pulled Yuri.

They go to the sick room and entered the room. Nobody was there except them.

Yena pulled Yuri to sit on the bed and Yena sit beside her after take the first aid kit. Yena open the box and start to treat Yuri's bruises.

Yuri just silent, she watching Yena and quickly looked down when she feel like she was not in her sense.

"Who do it to you?" ask Yena gently, but Yuri could feel the angry tone in her voice. Yuri gulped and then she shook her head.

"N-nothing." Yena sigh, she held Yuri's face make Yuri shocked and they look at each other.

"Is your parents saw us yesterday? Tell me the truth." said Yena. Yuri speechless. "H-how did you know?" Yena looked down.

Then she nodded. "I know it." Yuri seems confuse. Yena look at her once again.

"I bet you being like this of course because of your parents saw me and you in front of your house yesterday. Am I right?"

Yena look into her eyes, wanting an answer. Yuri lowered her head, yet she finally nodded.

Yena sigh again. Yuri bite her lips hardly. "Unnie.. I-I'm scared." Yuri finally tell Yena what's her feeling.

Yena saw Yuri was so close to crying, she pull the younger into a tight hugged. Yuri didn't waste her time as she wrap her arms around Yena's waist and burst her face into the older neck.

"I'm scared unnie.. So scared.." Yena nodded, she tighten the hugged. "I know, Yuri.. Don't worry I will help you."

Yuri crying so hard, she felt like Yena is her old friend. She feel so comfortable with Yena now.

"I-I have nobody right now.. I don't know what to do anymore.." added Yuri, Yena look down and she felt pity to Yuri.

"Hey.. Now you have me, Yuri. You have me, you have Chaeyeon and you have Sakura. We all your friends now. Don't be scared and tell everything to us."

Yena persuade Yuri, she wipe Yuri's tears slowly.

They silent for a while, Yena wanted Yuri to let it out and then calm down.

Yuri lift her head up, and Yena smiled to her. "Are you okay now?" asked Yena and Yuri nodded.

"Thank you, u-unnie." Yena squeaked and nods.

"I will tell you everything." said Yuri make Yena shocked as she didn't believe it. "Really? If you don't ready yet―"

"I'm ready unnie." Yuri cutted her off. Yena slowly smiles, she patted Yuri's head.

"If you wanna stop then stop. I know you must be so hurt."

Yuri nodded, she play with her fingers, don't know where to start the story. Yena saw it.

Quickly, she held both Yuri's hand and held it so tight, like supporting the younger.

Yuri lift her head up, Yena nodded. Yuri then take a deep breath.

Finally Yuri's gonna tell Yena her problems! Stay tuned for next chapter!✌🏻✨

To be continued...

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