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[Name] [LastName]


Sexuality is not disclosed, but reader likes all genders.

Breath of The Spider Lily


Form One
- Cerulean petals

Petals appear for a short amount of time, each petal give a clear opening for the user to slash and deal damage to their opponent. Following the petals will deliver these slashes.

Form Two

- Saxe infection

Petals from the blue spider lily start to fall out from the tip of the blade, the user can stab the tip of the sword into the opponent's body, infecting them with the blue spider lily, which acts like a corrosive poison.

Form three

- Searing binds

The user slashes into the air a maximum of six times, leaving tiny red petals behind, these petals then bind together and almost explode, dealing extra damage to the opponent.

Form four
- Higanbana burst

The user slashes up or diagonally quickly and swiftly, this is only meant to penetrate the opponent's skin slightly, and make them weak and/or drowsy.

Form Five
- Flower of death

In this form, everything between the two opponents turns into a field of spider lilies, this confuses the opponent long enough for the user to swiftly slice the neck of the opponent.

Form Six
- Hell's beauty

In this form, the user slashes once, leaving a trail of flame like petals as the slash, this is only meant to be used when the opponent has been weakened to the point where they cannot defend this attack.

Form Seven
- Equinox slash

The user slashes their sword very quickly, the attack isn't very precise, but is used for defence when the opponent is attacking quickly at them.
Mainly used for punches aimed at them quickly.

Form Eight
- Chains of the deep

In this form, chains appear from the tip of the blade, the user can "dance" around their opponent, getting them caught around the chains.
These will immobilize an opponent for a maximum of 5-10 seconds, depending on the energy of the user.

Form Nine
- Azure flames

In this form, the user disappears leaving blue petals behind, this holds for a maximum of ten seconds before the user appears again and slashes a maximum of ten times. This is used to let the opponent's guard down before attacking.

Form Ten
- Petals fall on a divine pond

A simple slash, aimed for the neck when the demon has no other attacks left. Gentle, no pain received on the demons end. Reminiscent of the wisteria petals falling onto the front pond of [Name]'s childhood home.




Outfit and Sword design.

[Name] wears the casual corps uniform, with a skirt and geta (sandels).
[Name] wears dark red and blue faded high socks.
Her haori is a combination of red and blue, with both sides having the red and blue spider lilies planted on them.
Half her hair is also tied up with a kanzashi hair pin resembling a red spider lily.

[Name] chooses to hide her face with a kitsune mask.

[Name] chooses to hide her face with a kitsune mask

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That only covers her whole face.

[Name] carries her sword on her back, finding it easier to sheathe and unsheathe.

The actual blade is a light blue colour, completely matching the color of the blue spider lily

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The actual blade is a light blue colour, completely matching the color of the blue spider lily.





Mother - Kaori [LastName] (Deceased)

Father - Daichi [LastName] (Deceased)

Older Sister - Emiyo [LastName] (Deceased)

Older Brother - Hikaru [LastName] (Alive)


That's it for now!
Enjoy the story and stay safe :)

That's it for now!Enjoy the story and stay safe :)

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