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"Be safe, [Name]!!" Your brother cried, clutching onto your haori as you tried to walk out the door.

You nodded, adjusting your mask and making sure your sword was fastended on your back.
Hikaru coughed, standing up and petting your head slightly.

"Just make sure you don't tire yourself out. And come back alive to me, otherwise I'll be very mad."

You nodded, hugging him before you started a slight jog to final selection.
You were nervous, yes, but you had confidence you would make it out alive.
After the massacre of your family, Hikaru had started to train you, after explaining what demons were and the such.

After about three years of training, you had started to develop your own breathing style.
Spider lily breathing.
Hikaru had explained what exactly was in your blood, as your mother had suspected it was tainted with the blue spider lily.
It only took another two years to finish perfecting your breathing style, just in time for Final Selection.

As you slowed down to a walk, you reached the long stairs to Final Selection, wisteria trees bloomed around the whole forest.
Reaching up to touch the petals, memories flooded through your head, a faint smile appearing on your face.

Reaching the top of the staircase, you saw just how many people were at Final Selection, though there weren't many girls. Out of the thirty or so there, only you and another girl were there.
Adjusting your mask, you sectioned yourself in the far corner, waiting for it to start.

"Everyone..." Two twins appeared at the front, one had black hair, the other white, "we thank you for coming here tonight. To the Demon Slayers Corps Final Selection." The twins spoke at the same time.

"There are demons imprisoned here on Mt. Fujikasane, captured alive by the Demon Slayer swordsmen, and unable to leave. That is because wisteria, which demons hate so much, blooms year-round from the bottom to halfway up the mountain."

"However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound. You'll need to survive here for seven days to pass Final Selection.." The other twin started, as they bowed, "And now, be on your way."


Breathing heavily, you ran around the forest, as the sun had already set.

I'll slay as many demons as I can, and sleep at sunrise.

You'd always had enhanced senses, meaning you could sense a demon before they got close to you, which made it very easy to defeat them.
Coming to a stop, you rested your hand on your training sword.

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