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The sound of jingling could be heard, as you stood in front of your home.
A figure approached the house slowly, he had another mask on and wind chimes attached to his bamboo hat.
The man reached your front door, as you stood there.

"My name is Haganezuka. I have forged [Name] [LastName]'s sword, and I am here to deliver it." The man, Haganezuka, announced.

You bowed, nodding at him, "I am [Name] [LastName].. Please.. come inside.." You gestured, but he simply ignored you, crouching down to unwrap that box on his back.

"This is the Nichirin Sword. And I forged it. The materials for a Nichirin Sword can be obtained from the mountain closest to the sun—" Haganezuka blabbed on, as you crouched down.

"Um.. please get.. off the floor.. and come.. inside.." He quickly turned around to face you, his wind chimes jingling as he leaned towards your face.

"You.. You're a child of the Spider Lily, aren't you? You must be very unlucky." Haganezuka asked, as you tilted your head.

"Um.. I'm not.. sure what you.. mean..?"

"Someone who was born at the same time the Blue Spider Lily blossomed is said to be unlucky! But, since no one has ever seen this flower, it might be false. There's a good chance your sword will be black! Since black is unlucky in most cases." Haganezuka explained, before your brother interrupted him.

"We don't have all day, Haganezuka. Come in and show us the sword already."


You held your sword in your hand, as Hikaru and Haganezuka sat in front of you.
The scabbard of the sword was faded nicely between red and blue, with tiny petal designs scattering it.
The tsuka was also a dark black, with the color underneath being a faded blue and red.
The tsuba resembled a small flower pattern, it being a blackish steel color.

"Come on, hurry up and draw it! Nichirin Swords are also known as ‘Color Changing Swords.’ They change color depending on the bearer." Haganezuka explained, wiggling his hands in excitement.

You nodded, drawing the sword and holding it up in the air.
The sword slowly changed color, changing from the standard steel color to a perfect light blue, the same color of a blue spider lily.

"Woah.." Your eyes widened in awe.

"L-light blue!! I've never seen this one before!!" Haganezuka launched himself at you, hugging your waist.

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