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Tanjirou opened the door to the last carriage, as you all walked in.
Inosuke looked out each window, amazed at how fast it was going, as Zenitsu had to drag him away.

"He's a Hashira, right? This Rengoku person.. Are you sure you'll recognise his face?" Zenitsu asked, as you all walked through each carriage.

"Sure. I remember his scent."

"He has bright yellow hair with red tips. He's also very loud." You stated, as Tanjirou turned around, "I think I'll know it's him once we get close." Tanjirou opened the carriage door, jumped when we all heard a loud "Delicious!"

Walking through to the carriage, Rengoku kept repeating the same words.

"Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!" Tanjirou stepped up to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Um, excuse me.."



"Delicious!" Rengoku turned his head to the four of us, "Uh, we really get that part already."

"And you're those kids from that day at the Master's. Tanjirou Kamado and [Name] [LastName], right?"

"Yes! And they are fellow demon slayers, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira."

"I see. And inside that box there.."

"Yes. It's my sister Nezuko."

"Right! That demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master's acknowledged her, I won't say any word for now." Rengoku patted the spot next to him, "Have a seat here."

Inosuke and Zenitsu sat across the isle next to each other, as you sat across from Rengoku and Tanjirou, next to Nezukos box.
You zoned out as Rengoku and Tanjirou spoke, looking out the window as you heard Inosuke try and get out the train to race it.

"That's dangerous. You never know when a demon might appear." Rengoku advised, his eyes not leaving you as he stared forward.

"You're kidding, right? Demons show up on this train? I thought we were traveling to where the demon was! Nooo! I'm getting off!" Zenitsu shrieked, tears already falling from his eyes.

"Over 40 people have disappeared on this train. The Corps sent a few swordsmen, but then they all went silent. That why I, a Hashira, am here."

Zenitsu shrieked in fear, shaking all over as the ticket conductor made his way to everyone.
You got out your ticket, as the conductor punched a hole in it.
As you looked at the conductors pale face, a sudden sense washed over you.

A demon..?

Rengoku suddenly got up, blocking the conductor from going any further.
Holding his sword, the lights suddenly flickered on and off, revealing a large looking demon.
The passengers on the train yelped at the sight, as the demon stared down at Rengoku.
Rengoku drew his sword, flames appearing around him, as the demon roared at him.

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