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"Wh-What's up with that?" Tanjirou questioned, as a small sparrow flew over to us in distress.

Tanjirou held the small sparrow, somehow understanding the bird as it flapped its wings frantically.
You watched as the yellow-haired boy held onto the girl, as she tried to shove him off.
Tanjirou nodded at the bird, saying, "I'll do something about it!" as the bird appeared to sparkle at that.

Tanjirou walked over to the boy, you following, grabbing his haori and pulling him off the girl.
You walked over to the girl, grabbing her hand, "Sorry.. about that.."

"What do you think you're doing right in the middle of the road? Can't you see she wants no part of you? And don't go making trouble for your sparrow, either!" Tanjirou angrily held the boy.

"That uniform! You're that guy from Final Selection!" The boy looked over to you, his eyes widening even further, "A-And you!! You're the girl who saved me!!"

"No one we know is anything like you! We don't know you!" Tanjirou shouted, as the boy started to cry again.

"But we met, remember! That girl saved me from demons, too! You're the one with the problem! Like your memory!" The boy cried, as Tanjirou let go of his haori, dropping him to the floor.

"All right, it's been taken care of. You can head home now without any worries." Tanjirou told the girl, who bowed and thanked the two of you.

"Hey! Stay out of my way! That girl is going to marry me! Because she's in love with me, all ri—" The boy started, before the girl slapped him in the face, continuing to slap him as he cried in pain on the floor.

You quickly held the girl back, as she shouted at the boy, "When did I ever tell you that I loved you? You were crumpled up on the side of the road looking ill, and all I did was speak to you!" The girl screamed, pointing at the boy.

"You mean you didn't reach out to me out of love because you were worried?" The boy cried, "I already have a fiancé, so not on your life! Goodbye!"

You let go of the girl, as she stomped away, her hands in fists.
The boy cried for her to come back, still on the floor.

"Look, cut it out!" Tanjirou spoke, "Wh-Why'd you get in my way? This has nothing to do with you!"

Tanjirou looked at him with a disgusted look, as you stared at them with a blank look.

"What's with that look on your face! Cut it out! Why are you staring at me like I'm a creature or something? Listen up! I'm going to die soon! During my next job! I'm weak, okay? I'm not kidding! You gotta protect me until I manage to get married, all right?" The boy finished, still crying.

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