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Quick disclaimer for this chapter. Before you say 'omg the Hashiras show interest in the reader that's so weird!!' I stated in both the description and info chapter that people ABOVE the age of 17 will be aged down. Mainly because the Hashiras, such as Tengen let's say, that man is like 27?? And the reader is 15. so of course I'm going to age him down to about 17 so it's not weird. I will do this for almost everyone except Gyomei (Sorry I can only see him as a platonic dad figure) and maybe some others I will see fit along the way. Enjoy!


You watched in awe as Ruis' head fell to the ground, the threads around both you and Nezuko disappearing as you fell to the ground.

Tanjirou crawled on the floor, trying to get to you and Nezuko.
You slowly got up, holding Nezuko close in your arms as you watched Rui get back up, simply reattaching his head.
Tanjirou seemed to notice too, but didn't stop crawling towards the two of you.

You grabbed your sword, which somehow landed near you after the whole fight, ignoring the absolute agony that enveloped your body as you did so, holding it in front of you.
You watched as another slayer made his way onto the scene, water slicing the threads that were about to slice you all up.

"You did a good job holding out until we got here." The voice said, as you watched with lidded eyes.


"Leave the rest to us." The unknown man said, as Rui got ready to attack again.
You closed your eyes in exhaustion, once again, before snapping them back open at the familiar voice.

"Shadow breathing.. Tenth Form... The darkness overcomes.." The voice of your brother could be heard, as Ruis head was cut clean off, this time, for good.

Tanjirou crawled over to you and Nezuko, holding you both closely, tracing a hand over your cuts in guilt.
You watched as the unknown man from before and Hikaru, your brother, make their way over to the three of you.

"[NickName]?! Oh my poor little sister! What happened to your beautiful eye!" Hikaru cried, clutching onto your face.

"H-hikaru.." You whimpered, as he quickly let go of your face from the pain.

"Don't worry. Shinobu and the kakushi should be here soon to take care of that cu—" He cut himself off, looking down to see your hand that was being held by Nezuko.

"[Name]. Why are you holding hands with a.. demon?"

"U-um! Nezuko is a good demon! I promise! She hasn't hurt, nor killed or eaten any humans! Her and [Name] share a bond.. Nezuko would never hurt her!" Tanjirou tried to explain to your brother, who quickly shoved you away from Nezuko, much to her dismay.

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