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"Tanjirou.. why do you.. carry a demon.. around with.. you?"

Both you and Tanjirou were walking to Asakusa, where a demon had been spotting lurking around recently.
He looked over to you, as you kept staring forward.

"Well, Nezuko is my sister. She's never eaten anyone, or hurt anyone, I know she's a good person. I want to turn her back into a human." Tanjirou explained, smiling to himself.

"I see.. my sister.. was a good.. person too.. I'm happy.. you still.. have yours with.. you.." You replied, eyes drooping under your mask.

Tanjirou looked over to you, reaching out to take your mask off, adjusting it on the side of your face.

"What happened to her?"

"She.. her and my.. parents were.. killed by Muzan.. he spared me.. though.. my brother.. found me in.. the house.. and after that.. I just trained.. hoping one day.. I would see Muzan again.. and.." You trailed off, as Tanjirou nodded along.

"I get what you mean. I'll make sure he doesn't get to you, since I'll always be here to protect you! Now come on, let's get to Asakusa!!"


Both you and Tanjirou sweatdropped, seeing just how bright it was in the city.
Nezuko held onto your hand, dozing off right next to you.
The three of you made your way through the city, as Tanjirou looked around with widened eyes.
You wished you still had your mask on, but Tanjirou had forced you to keep it off.
As you weaved through the crowds, Tanjirou started to get dizzy, grabbing your hand to pull you away from the main roads.

Walking along the dimly lit path, you passed a udon stand, Tanjirou stopping to order something.

"Excuse me.. A bowl of udon with grated yam on top please," Tanjirou looked to you, as you shook your head, signalling you didn't want anything, "Uh, sure thing!" The man replied, as the three of you sat down.

"I've never been to a place like this. It's way too crowded.." Tanjirou complained, as Nezuko slid her head onto your shoulder.

Tanjirou looked over, his heart melting at the site of his little sister dozing off on your shoulder.

"Here's your udon with grated yam on top!" The man exclaimed, as Tanjirou grabbed it.

Tanjirou took a small sip of the udon, breathing out.
Your eyes widened at the same time as his.

T-this sense.. i-its just like..!

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