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A young girl, no more than ten, reached her hand up to the wisteria tree, it's petals falling onto the girls hands as she giggled in joy.
She sat on her older sisters shoulders, the woman below watching in awe at her little sister's cuteness.
She gazed over her shoulder, seeing the figure of her mother and father sitting on the patio outside, smiling at the two of them.

Emiyo settled her little sister down, watching as she ran around with the bunnies, which adored her.
The female walked over to her parents, her lavender kimono matching the color of the glistening tree behind her.

"Mother, you look well today." Emiyo smiled, though it didn't seem to reach her eyes.

"Your mother insisted on coming outside today, even though her health has been getting worse lately." Daichi, the father, informed his eldest daughter.

Emiyo frowned slightly, the sound of her little sister giggling making her frown even more.

"[Name] has to know soon. If we don't tell her soon enough, Mother might- she might.." Emiyo couldn't bring herself to finish, just the thought of her mother dying felt like poison on her tongue.

"Mom won't die, so stop acting like it." The sudden deep voice next to Emiyo made her jump, looking to see her twin brother had made it back from his mission.

Emiyo looked at her twin brother with sagged eyes, closing them with a sigh.

"Big brother!! You're back!!" You ran over to Hikaru, making little grabby motions with your hands for him to pick you up, he smiled back, picking you up and twirling you round.

"How about we prepare dinner, hm?" He looked over to his parents, as they nodded, getting up slowly.

Emiyo watched her two siblings walk into the house, she wished her mother wasn't sick, but the world isn't as nice at it seemed.


The family had just finished eating, as Kaori, the mother, washed the dishes.
Her son had left once again on another mission, as he was just asked to be the tsuguko of the Sound Pillar.
She coughed slightly, her health getting worse day and night, she worried she wouldn't be able to see her eldest daughter get married.

Her body slumped slightly, as she looked out the window to see the sun had already set, she could hear her youngest daughter being put to bed.
She smiled at the sound of her two daughters getting along, but that smile disappeared when a knock sounded.

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