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"Spider lily breathing... Form three.. Searing binds!"

Slashing your sword wherever you saw a glob, the petals that were left behind all exploded at once, creating an even louder explosion as you tripped backwards.


Sitting up slightly, a sudden gust of wind appeared in front of you, revealing Rengoku.

"Young [Name]!"


"I was pretty thorough with my slashing attacks on my way here, so it should take the demon a while to regenerate. But there's no time to lose! I'll keep it short!"


"This train has eight cars in all. I'll protect the three in the rear, the yellow boy and demon girl will be in charge of the other two carts there, Kamado and the boar head boy.. they will go look for the demons head. You will continue protecting the other three carts." Rengoku explained, as you tilted your head.

"Head? But this demon is-" Rengoku leaned in really close to you, "No matter what form he's assumed, so long as he's a demon, he's got a head! I'll be searching for his weak spot as I fight! I suggest you do the same!"

Rengoku turned around, running off so quick, it left another gust of wind, moving the cart.

As he left, more globs started to appear, once again trying to grab the people.
You ran through each of the three carts, slicing any of them you saw.
As you ran through, hands started to appear on the ground, as you yelped in disgust.

"Ew! Disgusting!"

Stabbing and slicing the globs, you made sure to move each sleeping passenger into the middle cart, so you could move around better.

As you were moving the passengers, the train completely derailed, sending everyone flying. You shielded your eyes, falling through the window as you hoped all the passengers were okay. Sitting up, you clutched your throbbing head as you fastened your sword to your back, trying to figure out where everyone else was.

You had, unfortunately, landed near the forest, while you could hear Inosuke in the background, Tanjirou as well. A sudden gust of wind behind you made you shiver, looking behind you quickly only to be knocked out by a sudden force to the head. The last thing you saw before blacking out were bright yellow eyes that read,



[Name].. Nezuko.. Zenitsu.. Rengoku..

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