Chapter 12

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Hayley don’t be stupid. Get in.” 

“So…” I said awkwardly. “Where are you taking me?” 

“For a drive.” Luke replied. 


“Stop asking questions.” 

“Well I’m sorry but this is kind of serial killer-ish.” 

“Those songs were about me.” He said suddenly. 

“What made you think that?”

“‘I wonder why you left with her and left me behind.; please don’t find her skin when you turn the lights off’… seems a lot like you’re telling me not to be with Peyton. Then there’s the first song you sang, you basically said that you aren't good enough for me.” 

“Well apparently I’m not. Like I said before, you went to Peyton right after you slept with me. And just for the record you told me I was hotter then her so… I don’t understand your motives.” He turned the car down a dirt road and put it in park.

“I’m sorry.” He said sighing. 

“And I forgive you but, what you did sucked. I can’t do this if you’re just using me.” I looked over at him and he was looking down at his lap. “I’m a person who has feelings and it just so happens that most of those feelings are towards you. I’m over it though, I don’t want to be involved with you anymore if you’re going to be a jerk.” 

“Hayley.” He reached over at put his hand on my knee; it took everything in me not to show him that I liked it there. “Give me another chance, please.” 


“Because I can make it up to you.” He licked his lips and his hand slowly made it’s way up my thigh. His voice went all low and seductive. I grabbed his hand and moved it off me. The next thing I did not only surprised me but also Luke; I opened the car door and jumped out. 

“Call me when you can win me back like a real man.” Ok, that wasn't the best thing I could come up with but whatever. “ Don’t use your body to try to get me Luke.” I slammed the door and walked rather fast down the road in hopes of ditching him. 

“Hayley!” I heard his car door slam shut and his footsteps coming closer to me. He was by side in a few seconds stopping me from walking. 

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“But I want to talk to you.” He stood in front of me. “I’ll do anything. I’ll give you anything. I want you, and not in the sense of wanting your body. I want you, your mind and your soul.” 

“If you want me so bad then why did you go with Peyton?” He looked stumbled by the question. “If you want me so bad… why did you do it? Why did you hurt me?” 

“Because I was scared.” 


“Of what people would think. Of getting too involved.” 

“So you are ashamed of me then? If you were scared of what people would think.” I pushed past him but he grabbed onto my arm.

“No! I’m not saying the right words. Damn it Hayley. I just want to be with you. I want to know you.” He looked so desperate and sad. I crossed my arms over my chest. 

“Fine. We can be friends. But that means no touching or any of that sexual whispering thing you do. We’re friends. That’s it.” 

“Ok, friends it is then.” 

“Good. I want to go home, and since you kidnapped me I think it’s only fair that you drive me home.” 

“Of course.” I walked back to his car and got in. I was angry with him. Angry at myself. Why would I forgive him when I know that I’m going to get hurt again? I wasn’t making any sense of anything. “What’s that?” 


“In your hand.” I looked down and noticed that I was holding that ladies card. 

“Oh, after the show this girl came up to me and told me I was good. She told me to call her if I think I have what it takes to be a famous singer.” 

“Are you going to call her?” He asked. 


“What? Are you crazy? You so totally have what it takes to be famous.”

“I don’t want to ruin something I love.” 

“Is there double meaning in that?” He asked. “I already said I was sorry.” I didn't answer him. “Fine. But I think that you should call her.” 

“Thanks for your input.” I said making Luke sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m just overwhelmed.” 

“I understand.” The rest of the car ride was silent. When Luke got to my house he grabbed onto my arm before I got out. “Tomorrow… I’m getting you at 9am.” 


“9… Be ready.”  

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