Chapter 4

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I opened my locker and stuffed my bag in it, only taking out the books I needed. I shut it once having every thing I needed and walked down the hall to Mitzi’s locker where I waited for her. 

“Hey.” She said making me look up from the floor and to her. I smiled at her and moved over so she could get into her locker. “What did you end up doing last night?”

“I hung out with someone.” 

“Wait,” She looked away from her locker and at me. “You have more friends other than me?” 

“Yeah she does.” I turned around at the sound of Luke. He was with Calum and he looked really good, his hair was flat and not styled like usual… he looked less intimidating. 

“And how would you know if she has friends?” Mitzi sassed back to Luke. 

“Cuz I’m that friend.” He smiled at her then looked over at me making me blush and look at the ground. 

“Anyways,” Calum said. “We’re here because I have soccer after school so Luke is gonna drive you home.” He said to Mitzi with her nodding her head in agreement. Once they left Mitzi looked over at me and hit my shoulder. 

“Why didn't you tell me you hung out with him you bitch!” She hit my shoulder again making me laugh. 

“Because I wanted it to be my little secret for a while.” She grabbed my arm and wrapped her arm around mine.

“I would do the same thing. So give me all the details.”

“Well, he picked me up and then we went to this beautiful river thing and we just talked for a few hours then he held my hand and I kissed him on the cheek then we went to get coffee and then after that he dropped me off at home.”

“Ugh so boring.”

“No. It was nice, I needed that, I feel like I like him more now because I actually know him now. I mean I knew him before but now I actually know him.”

“He told you stuff about him?” Mitzi asked turning down the hall to our first class.

“Yeah, and I don't think he ever told anyone the things he told me, he sounded… scared maybe? I don't know I feel like he trusts me.”

“Ugh, you are so far up his ass.” I hit her arm and pushed her into out classroom making her laugh. “It’s cute though.” I made a face at her and took my seat.

“Glad for you to join us 5 seconds before the bell.” Mrs. Lively said to us. I apologized to her and opened my science book. 


“How was your math test?” I looked up from my lunch and saw Mitzi holding her lunch tray.

“It sucked, I pretty much guessed every question.” I heard laughing from the other side of the cafeteria; I looked over and saw Calum, Michael and Luke with a few girls, Luke had his arm over one girls shoulder and he was whispering something in her ear and making her laugh.

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