Chapter 14

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"Here we are." Luke said puling into the parking lot of the fair.

"I'm excited." I grabbed my purse off the floor and hoped out of the car. We bought our tickets and walked into the park which was super busy with parents and their kids.

"What do you want to do first?" He asked me. I looked up at him and saw him eyeing the tea cups.

"How about the tea cups?" I watched as his eye light up a little.

"That's what I was thinking." He smiled down at me and pulled my arm. We went through the crowd and got to the tea cups just in time to get on the last one before the ride started. We squished in the little thing and laughed at how huge Luke looked in it. As the ride started I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know if it was because of the speed we were going or the look of pure joy on Luke's face. By the time the ride was done I felt like I had a 6 pack from laughing so hard. "Let's do the roller coaster next!"


"I've had a ton of fun today." I said. It was now hours later and we were sitting outside little cafe eating a slice of cake.

"Me too. I'm glad I brought you here." He looked down at his lap and smiled to himself. "All you need now is a toy to make this day even better..."

"I was eyeing the little elephant at that game all day." I pointed to one of the game stands.

"Then that little elephant is yours." he got up and waited for me to follow him to the game. He payed the guy and started playing, he sucked at the game but it was fun watching him try to win me something. 10 minutes and 20 dollars later he finally won the damn elephant.

"You really sucked at that game." I joked.

"Nobody's perfect Hayley." I looked up at the sky to see the most beautiful sunset, the whole sky was pink and orange with some of the light blue evening sky mixed in as well. "Do you want to go on the ferris wheel? We can get a better view of the sunset from up there."

"Ok." We walked to the ferris wheel and waited in line. When we got the front the guy managing the ride smiled at us.

"Yet another couple! It's always couples at sunset." He said smiling.

"Oh we aren't a couple..." I said awkwardly.

"Well, you look like one. A very good looking one if I'm being honest." I blushed at the ground.

"Thank you. I keep telling her the same thing." Luke said making me even more embarrassed.

"Well, enjoy the ride." He helped me into the box thingy and I took a seat. We slowly made our way half way up until it stopped to let other people on.

"It's so beautiful tonight." I said awing at the sky.

"It really is." Luke said. "Listen, I know you don't want to talk about this but I feel like I have to. I really liked you Hayley. I still do but I liked you before and during Peyton. I just went with her out of my own self conscious reasons. It was stupid of me and I hate that I did that to you because I know it hurt you. And these past few days I've been thinking about how to get you back but then I realized last night when I was listening to those songs that I'm not good enough for you." As he was saying this he sounded defeated.

"Luke." I said quietly.

"No. It's true. I'm not good enough for you and I can except that, I don't want to but I have to." It was quiet for a moment.

"What do I say to that?"


"I don't want to accept that. I don't think that you're not good enough for me. I think you're too good for me." I was getting frustrated. "I liked you so much and when you finally started paying attention to me it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everyone told me that it wasn't going to work out and that I would get hurt in the end and frankly, I've had my pain... You screwed this all up but I forgive you, I want you so badly but everyone is telling me no and now you're telling me no too? I can't have that. I won't have that. I want you and I don't care if I get hurt again." Before Luke could answer my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my jacket pocket and saw that it was an unknown number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Hayley Rae?"


"This is Lydia, the lady who gave you my card..."

"Oh hi, How did you get my number?"

"It's no hard to find such a talented young star like you."

"Oh, uh thank you I guess?" I looked at Luke and he seemed confused. "What can I help you with?"

"I really think that you should come into the studio and let my boss hear what you can do. I showed him some of your videos online and he likes them. He likes you. We both think that you can be the next big thing." I thought for a moment, maybe I should do it. It will give me time to think over things with Luke plus Mitzi is going away next week for 3 weeks so I'll have nothing to do.

"Ok. I'll come in."

"Excellent. I'll talk to my boss and see when he's free. I'll be in touch."

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