Chapter 15

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"So, who was today?" My mom asked.

"It was fun. He took me to a fair." I sat down on the couch and put my feet up, they were hurting from standing all day.

"That sounds romantic." She put the tv on mute and turned to face me.

"Yeah it was alright. Umm anyways I'm going to need you to drive me across town on Tuesday." She knitted her eyebrows at me. "That girl who left me her card called me today, she booked studio time for me to show her boss what I can do I guess."

"That sound amazing but I'm going on that business trip Monday for 4 days... I told you that last week."

"Ugh, I forgot. Will dad be home that night?" My mom shook her head no.

"He's working later Tuesday. Why not ask Calum? They don't go on vacation till Thursday."

"Ok. I'll ask him then... I'm going to go have a shower." I smiled at her and walked up to my room while texting Calum.

'Hey Cal. Can I ask for a favour?'

I pressed send and then had a nice long hot shower while thinking about everything that happened today. After Lydia called Luke and I left. The drive was filled with awkward silence that we tried to cover with music. I meant what I said to him too, I didn't want to be ok with him not wanting me anymore, but now that I think about it it doesn't really make sense for us to be together. He's leaving in 3 months to go to college and I'm going to be stuck here finishing school... or maybe I'll be touring America. Who knows. I got out of the shower and took my time getting ready for bed. I was so tired from today and couldn't wait to go fall asleep and be dead to the world for hopefully more then 6 hours. I checked my phone to see if Cal (or anyone) texted me.

'What can I do for ya?'

I texted him back right away.

'So this awesome thing happened to me and long story short I have an appointment at a recording studio on Tuesday and I need a ride... want to be my ride?'

I crawled into bed and waited for him to reply.

'Hell ya! Do you think they would want to listen to me play bass and sing? I can get so many girls if I was in a band. Just imagine that for a second... I get so many girls now but like, the possibilities of what could happen if I was famous are overwhelming.'

'LOL. Ok calm down there bud. All you're gonna do is drive me there and maybe come in.'

'yeah I knew that... lol I'll be at your locker after school Tuesday then.'

'Thanks Cal :) I owe you one.'

I locked my phone and put it on the pillow beside me.



I shut my locker in frustration. I was already late for my first class and Mitzi was mad at me for not finishing some stupid project. Great way to start the day. I speed walked down the hall in hopes of getting to my class semi late but of course, Luke called me from down the hall.

"Hey rockstar." He pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned. Things were actually good with us. No coupley things but lots of good friend things. "Why are you rushing?"

"I'm going to be late for my class and Mitzi is pissed at me and I'm just not having a good day so far."

"Well just think about tonight. That's super exciting by the way."

"How did you hear about that?" I asked. He smiled in answer. "Oh, Calum. Boy can't keep his mouth shut."

"No he can't. I'm also kind of hurt that you didn't ask me to drive you there."

"Well, I just thought that I would ask Cal cuz I haven't annoyed him in a while." I lied. I actually felt bad I didn't ask him.

"He has been complaining about that a bit lately." He laughed. "Anyways, call me after and tell me how it went." He gave me another hug and then we parted ways. I ran the rest of the way to class hoping that my teacher won't be too mad at me.

"Glad you cared to join us." My teacher said making my face turn red.

"I'm sorry."

"Find your seat please." She said coldly. I walked to my seat and 3 people instantly turned around to talk to me... something that never happens.

"I heard you're going on tour with Taylor Swift."

"I heard that you got Justin Biebers number cuz you're a singer now."

"I heard you got signed by Usher." I knitted my eyebrows in utter confusion... how the hell do rumours start?

"What? No. I may have a chance to be signed by a small record label. Where the hell did you get your info from?"

"Hayley!" My eyes shot up to my teacher. "What is so important that you need to speak when I am?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry."

"No. Please tell me." I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Uh, I'm going to a recording studio today after school because they are interested in me." My teachers eyes softened.

"Oh. Thats actually quite exciting. I hope it goes well. Now pay attention to the lesson please." I kept my head down the rest of the day. I ate lunch with Luke in his car because Mitzi was still mad at me.

"What is she so pissed about?" Luke asked.

"I didn't do my half of a project that is for a big grade and also I've been busy with you and other stuff so I haven't really talked to her that much lately."

"She'll come around. You guys are best friends."

"Yeah I know but I just hate when she's mad at me. And especially when today is such an awesome day. She didn't even congratulate me about it at all."

"I'm sorry. But don't let it get you down. Have you thought about hat song you're going to sing for them?"

"Yeah actually. Lydia wants me to sing 'Love' again and she asked if I wanted to sing one of my songs that I wrote."

"I still can't believe that this is happening to you." He had a huge smile on his face which made me smile. I could always count on Luke to make me feel better.

"I should probably get going. I have to turn in what I have of that stupid project." I cleaned off my hands on my jeans and smiled at Luke, I knew I was going to regret my next move but I didn't care. I leant forward and kissed him. "Thank you. For being a friend." He smiled again and nodded his head.



"Are you ready to rumble?" I looked to my side to see Calum standing there with his arm up on the locker leaning against it, it was hot.

"Yeah just about." I put all my books I didn't need in my locker and took the ones I did need and stuffed them in my bag. "Ok we can go now." I pushed all my hair our of my face and followed Cal out to his car.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"No not really. I'm excited about it. And part of me kind of wants them not to like me." I looked up at Cal and he looked shocked.

"Why would you want that?" He asked.

"I don't know. I don't want to be thrown into that kind of life. I'm young and I still obsess over stupid things like if Luke likes me or not!"

"Oh my god. You're still hung up on him? I thought you guys were friends now."

"We are but I still like him. And he says he likes me."

"I don't want to hear about this. Talk about how you're going to get me in there to sing something for them." I rolled my eyes, I missed Cal. 

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