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harry: did you make it home safely?

harry: louis?

harry: text me when you're awake, you're probably asleep.

harry: you left your underwear over here by the way. i washed them.

louis: OHBMY GOF

louis: YOU DIDNT

harry: yes i did, wanna see?

louis: hoe don't do it...

harry: yah (insert picture here)

louis: oh my god.

louis: excuse me while i DIE.

harry: don't die yet :( i have starbucks with me, and i'm in front of your door. waiting for you to open it.

louis: you are not

harry: had to check on you!

Louis jumped up from the floor as he heard a knock on the door, whom he had been sitting in front of ever since Zayn left out to visit Liam's family in America this morning, and ran a hand through his greasy hair. He looked down at his attire and frowned, noticing how he was only wearing Zayn's old pink shirt that reached mid thigh, but then shrugged because Harry had already seen him partially nude. Louis placed his hand on the knob and released a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Louis, I can hear you from behind the door." Harry sang, causing Louis' cheeks to burn with red. He opened the door and grinned when he saw that Harry was standing there with a Mocha Frappé in his hand, and a chocolate donut in the other.

"Hi." Louis said happily, tugging at the end of his shirt when he noticed Harry staring. Harry blinked before looking back up to Louis' ocean blue eyes, seeming to be unashamed at letting his eyes linger for too long on Louis' tan legs. "Is this for me?"

Harry held them both out with a smile. "Yeah, I know how this is your favorite and-"

"How do you know that this is my favorite?" Louis asked carefully, taking the drink and donut from Harry's hand. Harry took a sharp intake of breath and shrugged, as if the answer was obvious.

"Zayn comes there whenever I'm there and orders this. Always asks for me to put Louis on the cup before he left, guess I just remembered it."

"You work there again?"

Harry tried to keep his smile through gritted teeth and pushed his palm against the door, opening it wider. "Enough questions, am I allowed to come in yet?"

Louis moved out of the way and closed the door behind them, following Harry into the living room while taking slow sips of his Mocha Frappé and tiny bites of his chocolate donut. "Don't break anything, or Zayn will not hesitate to kill you."

"Is he here?" Harry asked, immediately tensing up. Louis furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, noticing how Harry went back to dragging his finger across the top of the couch after he muttered a quiet no. "So we're all alone?"

This reminded Louis of a badly written porno he had not just watched hours earlier, and so he resisted the urge to snort. "I guess so. Wanna play FIFA? I usually play with Zayn, but he's going to be gone all day and-"

"I must warn you, I am very sucky at any video game." Harry said, chuckling slightly as he sat down in the couch in front of the TV. Louis took a seat in between his legs on the floor, something he normally did with Niall, and handed Harry a blue controller while he took the hot pink one next to his playstation.

"Then I must warn you, I'm going to kick your ass and make you c-r-y." Louis teased, not noticing that he was leaning his head against Harry's crotch as he started the game. "Have you ever played before?"

Harry cleared his throat and shifted. "No, but I watch people play."

"You know, I played this game on my channel with Niall occasionally for the gamers. We start off with-"

"Get rekt!" Harry said quickly, biting his lip when he realized his mistake. "I-Sorry, my sister-uh, plays it all the time. It gets into my brain a lot."

"Speaking of your sister, the room I woke up in yesterday- was that hers? If so, I would love to meet her because she seems like a super huge fan. All of those posters of me nearly gave me a heart attack, but-"

"No!" Harry shouted, causing Louis to flinch with surprise. "I mean- no. She's at this thing with her friend for a while, so she won't be back until like a few months. Yeah."

Louis coughed and averted his attention back to the screen, confused by Harry's random outburst. He could've just said that his sister was out of town, god. Harry sighed and let his long slender fingers cascade through Louis' unruly caramel hair as they played the game, tugging at it whenever Louis got the ball into the goal.

"If you keep pulling my hair like that, I might just let you get me in bed." Louis said playfully, pausing the game after an hour of playing. He was feeling tired, but he didn't want to fall asleep when he had company over, and he didn't want Harry to go so soon.

"Is that an offer?"

"You wish."

Harry mumbled something underneath his breath. "What?"


Suddenly the door opened to reveal a teary eyed Zayn clutching a black teddy bear holding a large red heart. He slammed the door behind him and Louis got up as quickly as he can, raising an expectant eyebrow.

"What did he do this time?" Louis asked, his fist clenching automatically. He always went into defense mode whenever Zayn came home crying after he's been with Liam, it's almost like a ritual. "Weren't you guys suppose to visit his parents?"

"Yes, but god Louis. The car broke down on our way to the airport and his mum called while we were on the phone. You wanna know what she said while she was on speaker? She said that she didn't think I was good enough for her Liam and I'll admit that-" Zayn stopped talking and his crazed eyes looked over at Harry, who was currently standing in front of the couch staring at Zayn with an unreadable expression on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Zayn, be nice." Louis warned, walking up to him and placing his hands on Zayn's shoulders. "We were just playing FIFA."

"Hi, Zayn." Harry said happily.

Zayn scoffed. "I'm going to bed, talk to me when he's gone."

"Zayn!" Louis whined. Zayn stomped down the hallway and walked into his room, making sure to slam the door hard enough so that Louis jumped and hugged himself.

Harry let out a dry laugh. "Seems like he doesn't like me very much.


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