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    The next morning felt like everything was moving in slow motion, and the crust in Louis' eye made him feel like his vision was blurred. He began to silently panic when he realized that he isn't sitting in the chair anymore while being fed cold pizza, but on a soft bed with satin sheets that tangled around his bare tan legs. He sat up and ran a hand through his tousled hair with confusion, observing his left wrist carefully, for it had a purple bruise circled around it. The entire thing made him want to puke, and so he rolled out of bed and stood up to catch his breath.


    The room was medium-sized with no windows, the only furniture in there being the bed and a dresser with a plastic-like mirror. There were a few items in the room, and that included a pink brush, perfume, and a lot of other pink things that reminded Louis of that medine his mother use to give him as a child. All around him reminded him of a dollhouse. Louis looked down at his body and held his arms out with discomfort, seeing that he was wearing a new pink sweater that had tons of glitter on it, along with purple lace panties- and shit, he finally understood.

    Louis was suppose to be Harry's life-sized Barbie doll.


Honestly, the whole inference was making him light headed. He shook his head and stumbled towards the door, cautiously twisting the knob and stepping out into the cold hallway- which made the tiny hairs on his legs stand up. There was noise coming from down the hall, which Louis expected where the kitchen was because of the delicious smell he was encountering, and his feet dragged him there until he was met with the back of none other than Harry Styles. Harry was sitting at the table with a plate full of food beside him, another plate sitting across from him that Louis knew was meant for him.


"You're awake," Harry stated without turning around, holding his hand out towards the food patiently. "Made us breakfast."

    "I'm not hungry." Louis knew that he was lying. Harry knew that he was lying. Hell, the Lord and savior knew he was lying. His stomach had been growling ever since he smelled the food from down the hall, but he didn't want to eat in fear that it meant giving in to his new lifestyle. Is being kidnapped a lifestyle?

    "Of course you are, doll." said Harry. Louis cringed at the name and took a seat anyways at the table, staring at the eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage on his plate with longing look in his eye- fuck, he wouldn't give in. You will die before eating this asshole's food, do you hear me Tomlinson? Harry seemed to be watching him from the corner of his eye with an expectant look, growing more impatient as the minutes went by without Louis touching his food. "Louis, don't make me have to feed you myself."

    "I will not be fed like a child."

     "You sure as hell could pass off as one with how short you are." Harry pushed, seeing how Louis was starting to pick up his food because of this minor distraction. "You're much tinier in person, like a little fairy."

    "Hey! I'm actually 5'9!" Louis argued angrily while taking a harsh bite of his bacon, suddenly stopping when he realized that he was enduring in bickering with his kidnapper. "Do you have a bathroom?"

    "That question is rhetorical. It's down the hall from here, make a right. If you fail to come out after 5 minutes, I'm coming in there." Louis nodded obediently and turned on his heel when he stood up, scurrying over to the hallway and into the bathroom that Harry located him to. He locked the door behind him as soon as he got inside, looking around for any escape routes that would deem possible.

    There were no windows, and so Louis felt frustrated to have thought that there would be. The whole bathroom was confined and everything was pushed together in one compacted room to fit, which made Louis feel crushed and stuffy. It smelled deeply of scented candles, the vanilla kind that Louis really liked, and there were sevral picture of Louis in frames hanging off of the wall. There were some of him walking and looking caught off guard, while some were up close and personal, being that he looked asleep in two of them.

The whole sight made him feel sick, and so he dropped to his knees near the toilet and hovered over the seat, this morning's strip of bacon churning into puke. He began to cough up his spit, using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe it away until all he could feel was the bothering taste of puke in his mouth. When he stood up, he immediately washed his mouth out with the sink water, leaning against it sleepily.

He needed to find a way out of here until he was to be rescued, though who knows what Zayn could be telling his friends back home. He could be telling them that he went on a vacation and wouldn't be back, or that he hated them all and ran away from his former life, getting a job as a prostitute in the middle of Wisconsin. Okay, maybe Louis was a little dramatic- but it's not like it's not possible.

Louis sighed and stumbled over to the door before opening it hurriedly, jumping in fright when he saw Harry standing in front of the door with an agitated look on his face, his cellphone being clenched around his hand like he just got out of a heated conversation. His lips were set in a straight line, giving his facial expression a much more morbid look.

"I have serious business to attend to today with a few of my- pals. I should leave you here tied up to the bed until I get back, but I'll miss you too much. So try some funny shit to get me in trouble, and you will be punished. As much as I love you, the consequences will be severe. Do you understand me?" stated Harry, squinting his eyes as if daring Louis to say one sassy comment. Louis tried to bite back his laughter because seriously, how clueless was this guy? Of course he was going to try to get away before Harry even thought of putting a finger on his body as soon as they were in public. Plus, people knew him. There was no way in hell that no one would'nt bother to see him.

Louis shook his head again. If he wanted out, he had to play the obediant bitch.

. . .

 NOTE: (:(

eggs bacon grits update

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