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unknown: Hello, Louis.

unknown: I miss you.

unknown: I really really do.

Delete Conversation?


Conversation Deleted.

. . .

"Emma, why are we in Victoria's Secret?" Louis mumbled underneath as he walked closely behind his best girl friend with his hoodie drawn over his head and his shades sitting on top of his nose, his sorry excuse for a disguise- so far, no one has noticed him yet. "I understand if you're trying to spend money on lace for your imaginary boyfriend, but seriously did you have to drag me along?"

"You must want to die. It's not for me silly, it's for you." Emma said in reply, gripping his hand and tugging him into the lace section of the shop. Louis' eyes widened and was too shocked to say anything right away, feeling his cheeks burn bright red when he realized that she was holding up panties to the front of his crotch to see how it would look. He hit her hand nervously to stop her, afraid that someone he knew would come in here and see him- god, that would be a weird thing to explain. "Which color do you think will fit your skin tone?"

"Obviously blue- I mean, no. I am absolutely not wearing panties-though they do seem comfortable. What if someone I know comes in and sees?"

Emma hummed and picked up a pair of panties that were nearly the color of Louis' eyes, pushing it to his chest until he grabbed it from her hand. "I'll be guarding the door then, just make sure you show me when you're done. Zayn told me that you need to be really hot so that you could get laid, also said that you've been having sexual frustration because of this Harry kid."

Louis glared at the fact that Zayn had said that, his cheeks possibly becoming darker. "Well, it's not my fault. Harry is just really good looking!"

Emma continued, grabbing another pair and holding up to his hips. "He also told me that you have never masturbated because you're afraid that God is watching, and so you torture yourself."

"How much does he tell you!" he whispered harshly, earning stares from one of the workers several feet away. Louis tried his best to muster up a smile that proved that everything was fine, but it quickly fell when he realized that Emma was indeed still holding up the underwear in front of him while waiting for him to try it on. "This isn't a good idea."



"I'm not-"

Emma snarled. "The more you stall, the more people will stare. C'mon don't be a wimp."

And that's how Louis found himself standing in front of a full length mirror inside of the dressing room in nothing but blue lace panties, and god were they tight. It was as if his dick was suffocating inside of them and are trying to pop out for air, but Louis had to keep fixing them until they remained in a safe zone. He checked out his bum in the mirror and hummed in appreciation when he realized how much bigger it looked with this color on him, running a hand over his tan skin.

"Em, these are a little tight, but they look okay on me. Come check this out." Louis said scrutinizingly, keeping his eyes focused on himself when the curtain was pulled open. "I get that they're for seducing Harry and such, but seriously I can't breathe in them."

"To seduce me eh, Princess?"

Louis froze and let his hands fall to his sides at the sound of the voice. That certainly wasn't Emma. Well, unless her voice got ten times deeper and made Louis weak in the knees. He turned around and his hands immediately flew to the front of his crotch, watching as Harry closed the curtain from behind him and walked closer into the spacious dressing room. Louis was waiting for him to say something else, but he only looked around until his eyes averted to the lace and Louis had the guts to speak. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here. Well, not here. I work right next to this store, it's Nike. I saw you come in here during my lunch break with some girl and decided to see what you were up to." Harry said in response, glancing back down at his lace panties. "What are you up to?"

"Well-I-Uh-" Louis stuttered, stopping himself quickly. "How many jobs do you have?"

Harry cracked a smile and began to walk towards Louis, his hands behind his back and his chest puffed out confidently. "I don't know if you know this Louis, but my father is a very powerful man. I pretty much can get a job at anywhere I want by just saying the smallest things, and I'm willing to explore my options."

"What is he? The president of the United States?" Louis said jokingly.

"Secretary, actually. Good guess."

"Oh," he said in surprise. "How come you still choose to work when you have all of that money? If I were you, I wouldn't be working- though, I'm working for Youtube."

"What my father gives me is pity money, for all of the times he isn't there for me. I like making my own money." Harry replied with the wave of his hand, dismissing the topic of the conversation. "You look very nice in those."

Louis became subconscious again and he placed one foot behind the other, unsure of whether or not to cover up his little tummy or his crotch. "Emma made me try them on and- have you seen her?"

"Do a little spin for me, Princess. I want to see if they look as good from behind."

Oh my god, was this really happening? Louis didn't move at first, as if his feet were glued to the floor while trying to process everything that was happening. Why was he turned on by this? Why did Harry's staring make Louis' stomach fill with butterflies that threatened to fly out of his mouth?

Harry's eyes darkened and he took another step closer. "When I give an order, you obey. Do I need to ask you again?"

Louis squeaked and turned back around so that he was facing the mirror again, taking in how red and jiterry he was becoming from the way Harry was talking to him. He suddenly felt the curly haired boy's hands lay on top of the curve of his hips, his thumbs brushing across the lace tentatively while watching to see Louis' reaction. Louis was holding his breath and he didn't even notice until he heard the faint breathe baby, breathe tumble from Harry's lips and it sounded like snow falling for the first time- is that a thing? "Uh, Harry?"

"Are you a virgin, Louis?"

He bit his lip fearfully, refusing to meet those green eyes that he had been seeing a lot lately before nodding. "Yes."

"Then I'll start slow."



but hi

this probs sucked but im trying to update stuff

pls pretend to enjoy my loves

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