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Louis had just woken up from a nap when he saw Harry pacing in front of his bed with a phone pressed to his ear, his eyebrows furrowed from how much stress he was possibly under. He sat up quickly and did a quick check to make sure that the scissors were still under his pillow, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that they were. He didn't need Harry catching him before he even had a chance to act.

"Do not let him up here under any circumstances. Do you understand me, Sykes? If I see that man step one foot into my home, he is going to lose a body part or so help me-" yelled Harry angrily, his voice lowering when he saw Louis begin to rub his eyes from being disturbed, causing him to hang up. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Then why are you in the room screaming on the phone? Was I suppose to sleep through it or something?" asked Louis with a fake snort, covering his mouth as he started to yawn. He wanted to go back to sleep in all honesty because it distracted him from what was really going on, but of course Harry would not let him sleep once he already wakes up.

"I was watching you sleep. I didn't think I'd get a phone call when I told them to not call up my phone today, but it was an emergency."

Louis blinked, knowing that this couldn't be the weirdest thing that Harry had done. "You were watching me sleep?"

"Yes," said Harry happily. "It's quite relaxing to watch you. When your chest puffs in and out, and when your lips separate for a split second so you can take that small breath. Then you talk in your sleep, you mumble cute little things that make my heart hurt. Your beauty pains me sometimes, and I know why so many people love you, which makes me jealous."

The caramel haired boy kept his mouth closed as Harry continued, wondering why these things couldn't have been said by someone not creepy- His life was like a rollercoaster he desperately wanted to get off of.

"But now I have you all to myself. You're mine, and that was all I have ever wanted."

Suddenly, there came a knock at the door of Louis' room, causing both of them to look at it through squinted eyes. Louis didn't know who it was, but it seemed like Harry did from the way he was clenching and unclenching his hand. "Who's that?"

Harry mumbled something incoherent before walking over to the door and placed his hand on the knob, and this is when Louis caught a glimpse of a gun in Harry's back pocket. It had to be some kind of intruder or something if Harry was already armed, but he was also a drug dealer, so what are the odds?

"What are you doing here? I specifically told my guards to keep you out." said Harry bluntly as he opened the door, coming face to face with a man who looked like he was in his late 40's, but Louis couldn't tell from the amount of make up he had on.

He had striking green eyes that resembled Harry's, the only difference is that it held happiness and excitement while Harry looked like he wanted to kill someone. He also had unruly brown hair that sat like a nest on the top of his head, shaking the strands falling in front of his face by nodding his head. "Well, I am your father. You can't ignore me forever, kiddo."

This was Harry's father? Louis watched the tension in the room build the more the two stared at one another, beginning to feel out of place. Does his father know about everything that's going on right now? Was he as oblivious as his personality was?

"I've been doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself," said Harry in reply, still not showing any signs of emotion, only cringing when his father used the nickname he had been dreading to hear for the longest time. "And please do not call me that, I am 17."

"How could I forget?" questioned Mr.Styles with a bright smile, and Louis wondered if good teeth ran in the family because they both looked the same, while Louis knew his were just the tiniest bit crooked. "You're 17 and you're already doing extraordinary things! Owning a company that consists of drugs, something I tried to do, but you know how your mom is. You also kidnapped a guy you've been crushing on before you dropped out of high school-"

What the hell, thought Louis with wide eyes. Crazy must also run in the family as well because he didn't get why Harry's dad was praising him for committing crimes instead of telling him to turn his life around, but it must be because Harry had been a problematic child for all of his life. Maybe they already knew it was too late to turn them into the perfect kid they wanted him to be.

"I get that I am successful in life, Mr.Styles, but that isn't any of your concern." responded Harry with agitation, and he was about to slam the door in his dad's face, but the older man put his foot in the door and used his hand to keep it open. "Is there something wrong? Do I need to bring my guards back up once again?"

"You must be Louis," said Harry's dad with a small grin, ignoring his son's frustrated expression. "I'm Harold's father. I'm sure you have heard a ton of good things about me from him."

"All bad, sir." replied Louis uneasily, feeling accomplished when he saw Harry smirk just the slightest at his answer. He needed Harry to believe that they were on the same page, so if it takes kissing his ass today, then that's just what he'll have to do. "But yes, I'm Louis."

"Beautiful name! How's living with Harry working out for ya? I understand he's a bit of a hand full sometimes, but it's something that we all had to adjust to in some point of our lives." explained the older man with a short laugh, not realizing that Harry was burning holes into the back of his head. "Once when his mom and I were home, he sedated us and tied us to chairs so that we'd give him concert tickets to see some indie band. He was only 15, and already a little menace."

"Being tied up to a chair? Been there, done that." said Louis in a joking manner even though he was completely serious.

Harry jumped in and clasped his hands together, a forced smile on his face as he spoke again. "Well, this bonding session has been great, but I think it's time for you to go-"

"You seem like a great person to be around, Louis. I see why Harry is so in love with you-"

Harry reached into his back pocket and pulled out his gun, his pointer finger sitting idly on the trigger while holding it directly in front of his father's face. "I've asked you to go already, yet you're still standing there."

"You're right. This is your home and I had no right to intrude in the first place." said his father calmly, focusing his eyes Louis. "It was nice meeting you as well, Louis. Goodbye you two."

Harry held the gun up until he heard his father leave out of the house, stuffing it back inside of his pocket before turning around to Louis, who was looking at him like he was crazy. "You're just gonna threaten him like that? What if he reports you to the police?"

"Don't you understand, lovebug? He loves me too much to report anything. Not when he's involved also, so it would only take him down as well." replied Harry sinisterly, giving him an icy smile before saying: "Dinner?"

NOTE: no not dinner what the fuck harry

heres me talking to my characters i love life

btw im ending this SOON not now next week or next tuesday but SOON 👀

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