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"Louis, you have been cooped up in this room for two days. Get some fresh air." Zayn demanded, crossing his arms. He stood at the edge of the bed and towered over his best friend, who was currently buried underneath the stacks of covers that use to be folded at the edge of the bed.

"Honestly Zayn, if I wanted to go outside, I would've." Louis grumbled. Zayn pulled the sheets off of Louis and the petite boy groaned with annoyance, making himself curl into a ball. The breeze coming from the open window smacked against his bare legs and he gritted his teeth, slightly frustrated at the thought of Zayn being his roommate. "Go fuck Liam or something."

"We have a date tonight, so maybe we'll come here to do it and-"

Louis snapped his eyes open and jumped out of the bed, ignoring Zayn's thunderous laughter as he left the room. He did not want to hear about their sex life, though, his was lacking. Louis thought about taking a shower, and then chose not to due to his lethargy. He picked up a pair of sweatpants that lay draped over the couch and quickly pulled them on, leaving on the shirt that he slept in. It wasn't dirty per say, but it did have a tiny ketchup stain at the bottom.

"I'm going to Starbucks; no fucking in this house!" Louis shouted to Zayn. He threw on his black beanie that was hanging on the coat rack, and left his apartment. The summer breeze slapped him on the face, and he squinted when the sunlight shone on his face. If he wasn't in public, he would've hissed.

The thing about Cheshire was that it was always abnormally quiet, something that Louis wasn't use to. People roamed the streets and bought things from the stands on the corner, while children rode around on their bikes with their friends. Louis put on the shades that was in his pocket and casted his eyes downward so that he wouldn't be recognized. He did not want to sign things for anyone right now.


Louis walked inside of Starbucks and smiled when he inhaled the beautiful smell of his favorite thing in the world: Mocha Frappés. He walked up to the counter in the front and took out his wallet that was located in his back pocket and looked up at the guy behind the cash register, pausing only slightly. The guy had brown unruly hair that stuck up in a thousand different directions, and the greenest pair of eyes that Louis has ever seen.

He wore a green apron that covered his black t-shirt and the tightest black skinny jeans. The guy smiled and Louis did the same, his eyes trailing down so that he was looking at his name tag, which read; hi im harry!

"May I help you?" Harry asked, and god. His voice was deep and slow, something that made Louis almost collapse into non existence.

"Yes, yes you can." Louis blurted out. He blushed scarlet red and almost put his head in his hands at the fact that he even said that. Harry, who had a smile on his face from the beginning, chuckled and gestured to the cash register.

"And what might that be?"

"Uh, a Mocha Frappé please." Louis responded, trying to look at anything but the cute boy in front of him.

"Anything else, sir?"

"No thank you, I-"

"Is that Louis fucking Tomlinson!" someone shouts his left. Suddenly there were a group of six girls surrounding him in the middle of Starbucks with IPhones in their hand, trying to angle them correctly as Louis lifted his head. He really loved his fans, but he wasn't really in the mood to take pictures at the moment; but he still did so, because that's the kind of person he was. He smiled and tried to block out the overwhelming sounds of giggling that flowed through his left ear and out of his right.

"Honestly Louis, you've saved my life multiple times by just making a video. Thank you." A girl whispered, and then she hugged the petite boy tightly and scurried away from him. Louis smiled, a real one, and waved at the rest of the girls that were on their way out of the café.

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