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Louis blinked profusely as soon as he came into his house, frowning when he realized that Zayn wasn't home- he was on his weekly date night with Liam and possibly wouldn't be back until tomorrow. He thought about calling Niall and inviting him over, but he was busy along with everyone else he was friends with.

Times like these meant that he was able to get off while eating every single thing inside of his fridge. He had been stressed out lately because his subscribers have been demanding for consistent uploads and Louis was only giving them what he could, being that he also had to maintain his social life. He also had to visit his parents next week for a family gathering, and the thought made him absolutely sick- they hated how his job was YouTube.

He hadn't spoken to Harry in about three weeks or so, and that made him feel some kind of relief. At least he didn't have to worry about someone watching his every move- maybe he got the message and moved on. There was suddenly a soft ding erupting from Louis' phone, indicating that he had a message.

Or maybe he didn't, Louis thought.

harry: Effective. Power. ha did you hear about that shit going around?
harry: that was my excuse to talk to you again, i guess it was proven ineffective. louis, i don't know about the stalking part but im sorry for everything. im sorry if i scared you away, you're just so breathtakingly beautiful.
harry: im not the stalker you're talking about, please don't assume that.

This motherfucking liar.

louis: i call bullshit.
louis: how do you manage to know where i am at every second?? are you going to say you work for the fbi also???

harry: any fan could guess that, you tweet every second.
harry: i already told you about why i work at multiple jobs, i'm trying to get extra money so i don't have to use my dad's just because he's some rich asshole. can we at least talk this out?

louis: .

harry: i take that as a yes. i'll come and pick you up, we're having dinner at my house and can talk there.

louis: not a date, just talking. if i hear crap coming out of your mouth, im leaving.

harry: x.

Louis doesn't know why the fuck he agreed to coming over Harry's house after what happened those few weeks ago in the mall, but it probably had something to do with how Louis actually missed him. Plus, he was extremely bored and if he died tonight, his friends will feel guilty for not inviting him anywhere.

He went into his room and threw on his black jeans and pink sweater, along with his usual Vans before he got a phone call from Harry, becoming hesitant when answering.

"I'm waiting outside, take your time if you must." said Harry huskily, the sound of his voice making Louis go absolutely weak in his knees. He needed to stop finding this man so attractive before he went into a state of hysteria, it was honestly getting sickening. "Not backing out are you?"

Louis breathed sharply before grabbing his pepper spray from the top of his dresser, stuffing it in the back of his pocket for safety reasons. "No, I want this all knocked out of the way."

That's how Louis found himself in the passenger side of Harry's car, trying not to pay attention to the way those green eyes kept glancing his way in hopes that he would look back. They were at a red light when Harry finally opened his mouth.

"I'm infatuated with you, Louis."

"You barely even know me. You only know YouTube me, you don't know about the real Louis. You have a small obsession and that is all, okay? If that's what we're going to talk about over dinner, might as well discuss it now." said Louis patiently.

"Then I would like to learn more about you if you'd let me." inquired Harry with a wide smile. "And I don't like calling it an obsession. Is it so bad that I'm a fan?"

"Harry, was it you that had been sending me those messages underneath an unknown number?" Louis asked suddenly, causing Harry's knuckles to turn white with accusation from gripping the steering wheel so much. Harry swallowed thickly and then slammed on the break, watching sadly as Louis' forehead hit against the dashboard and knocked him out cold.

. . .

"This wasn't the plan! You weren't suppose to text him once I got ahold of his number! I- yes. He's tied up now in the other room." Louis heard a voice say, instantly recognizing it as Harry's from the way it sounded throaty and low. Louis' eyes widened at his words and he looked down at himself before mentally groaning, seeing that he was bound to a chair used by rope and had a gag fit in between his mouth.

You're so fucking screwed.

"Louis," Harry stated slowly as he walked into the room, eyebrows furrowing as Louis began to try to thrash around and break free from the rope. He was screaming through the gag as if trying to grab someone's attention, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach as he watched the curly haired boy walk closer to him. "I know it's all confusing right now, but it'll all make sense soon. Okay?"

Louis shook his head stubbornly and glared at Harry, who was now kneeling down to place his hand underneath Louis' chin so that they were eye to eye. His eyes were filled with love and lust, while Louis' were filled with hatred and fear. What the hell was going to happen to him? Were his friends going to look for him soon?

Harry continued. "I don't want you to see me as this creepy guy, baby. But you're so stubborn. So, so, stubborn. Could've made this easier for you and we could've had it all, but you had to make this difficult."

The caramel haired boy began to cry, fresh tears falling down his cheeks until Harry leaned in and pressed his cold lips underneath his eye, tasting the salt with a smile. "Don't cry, baby."

NOTE: r.i.p louis.

QUESTION: who do you think that harry was on the phone with??

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