no. 2

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Gerard's POV:

"Shit I have to go again. I'll be back tomorrow same time." "Stay." "Frank I should go, it's already dark." He looked sad. I couldn't leave. "Let me call my brother." "Okay." He smiled at me now. He has a beautiful smile. "Gerard where are you?" "You know how I mentioned Frank yesterday?" "Yeah?" "He asked if I could stay a little while longer. Just wanted to let you know." "Okay, I'll cover for you." "Wait why?" "Well you know your out with a guy and all." I felt myself blush. He hung up, I rolled my eyes. "What do you do for fun?" "I read comic books, sing, draw, listen to music, watch shows. I don't talk to much people so usually that's just what I do." "I used to read a lot. But too much to carry. I listen to music everyday so that's pretty much all I do." "Yeah, I'd assumed you
don't do much." "It's boring honestly. I don't talk to much people. I get really nervous. So it's pretty hard making friends. Also some people are judgmental. I'm too afraid what if I say something stupid." "I don't think your stupid. I don't know why people judge homeless people. That's fucking stupid." For some reason he backed away from me a little. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I should. I should go." He said quickly. "Wait what?" I didn't see him anywhere. He ran away. "Frank? Come back." I didn't hear anything. "I'll see you tomorrow." I yelled into the forest. But I didn't hear anything again.

I've been worried about Frank lately. I keep coming to the forest but he doesn't show up. I haven't seen him in three days. I hope he's okay. I walked to school feeling someone's eyes on me. It freaked me out a little. The person stared at me for a long time. Once I got to my first class I still felt that I was being watched. I looked around and saw no one. It went away at lunch. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. "You just seem a bit shaken up is all." "Have you been getting enough sleep?" Ray asked. "I'm worried about Frank." "Is he okay?" Ray asked sounding like a concerned mom. It made me laugh a little. "I haven't seen him for three days. Also before he ran off he looked sad and scared. Almost like he came back from crying. It was odd. I'm worried about him. He never eats he just lives off of water, he constantly looks sad, he barley laughs or smiles, and he gets surprised when I talk to him." "It sounds like he has it rough." "Yeah, he also told me that his parents both died. He ran away when he was 14. And came back here." "I wonder why he left." "Yeah, me too but I don't want to scare him away. He's fragile. I have to be careful. Or when I was going to leave he seemed so scared. The way he asked me to stay was so desperate and sad. As if he was scared of being by himself." "I say try finding him again. It sounds like he needs a friend." "Thanks." I got up to get him something to eat. I know he's vegetarian so I got him a salad and a water. I still felt watched. It made me nervous again. I think I have a stalker. I wondered who would do this? My gut told me it was Frank. No it couldn't be. Maybe I should confront him?

After school I went to the forest. "Frank? I know you can hear me. Come down, I miss talking to you." I said feeling my face turn red. "I brought you food. I'll leave it on the dead tree." It was quiet. But he climbed down the tree he was in. He didn't say anything. He sat on the dead tree and ate the salad. He looked sad. "i thought you were scared of me." "Why would I be?" "I can't tell you, I can't tell you. you'd hate me." It looked like he was going to cry. I sat next to him sitting close to him. He moved a little most likely scared of touch. "You can trust me. I won't freak out." "But you will! Stop lying! I don't even know why you came back." "I like talking to you Frank." "You'd hate me... so much. You'd hate me..." "Frank I wouldn't hate you.." "I can't tell you! Okay so just drop it." I reached my hand out to his. "I don't want to hold your hand, Gerard." I smiled. "What?" He asked sounding mad. "I just got you to talk to me again." He smiled himself. "Sorry if I freaked out. By yelling I'm just scared." "Scared of what?" "Nothing, I can't tell you that right now. That part isn't serious I promise." He held my hand. "Okay, I'll wait for you to tell me." "You're understanding. I'm glad you came back..." "Me too. You should spend the night at my house, my mom wouldn't care." He smiled at me. He climbed up the tree and brought his backpack.

We walked to my house. "I'll be here. You can hold my hand once you meet mom and Mikey. They're understanding I promise." "okay." Mikey opened the door. "Hey, Gerard and your friend?" "His names Frank." Frank held my hand tightly he had a strong grip it kind of hurt my hand. But I know he's just a bit scared. "Oh, it's nice to meet you. Gerard's mentioned you before." "hi." Mikey smiled. Frank smiled back. I walked to my room he followed me. "Your brother seems nice." I smiled. Everyone likes Mikey so it made sense that Frank would like him.

"You can borrow my clothes if you want." "Okay, I like this shirt but it gets annoying wearing the same shit, thanks." He looked through my clothes. He liked my camouflage hoodie that I never wear. "You can have that if you want." "Really?" "Yeah, I never wear it." He smiled. "My pants won't fit you because your shorter than me. But if you want you can look." "I'll be back I'm going to make myself coffee. Do you want anything?" "Can I have coffee too? I haven't had it in a long time." "Sure." Mikey and Ray were in the living room watching a movie. Shit I thought hopefully Frank will be okay meeting Ray. I walked in without thinking. He didn't have the hoodie on. I could see his torso. I could see his rib cage, collarbones, and tattoos. He looked so skinny. I felt myself get worried for him. "Yeah, I look scary without my shirt..." "No you don't. You're pretty just super skinny." He blushed. I smiled at him. He put on the hoodie it really suited him. It was a little big on him. I handed him the coffee. "My friend Ray is here. Just letting you know I don't want you to freak out." "okay. I should probably tell you that I have multiple mental illnesses... that's why I act kind of strange. I have antisocial personality disorder, bipolar disorder, social anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia." "Oh shit, you have so many." I frowned. "Bad things have happened to me.." "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. Unless you want me to listen. I'm all ears." He smiled at me.

"I've had antisocial personality disorder at a young age. Ever since I was 6. My dad died when I was 3. My mother tried her best but didn't really have help from others so she'd leave me alone all the time to provide for me. The most she would do was stay with me was maybe 30 minutes. I didn't make friends when I was young because I was very shy. Most thought I was quiet and I didn't speak much so as a result I didn't have friends. It was like this my whole life until I was 12. She had multiple health issues, she started having non- cardiac chest pains once in awhile out of stress from so much work. She started staying home more. I was really close to her until she died when I was 14..." He stayed quiet for a moment. I reached for his hand. "That must've been awful. You've been alone all your life, Frankie." "Hopefully that cycle stops one day..." "Well I'm here and your friend." "Friend that holds my hand." He said jokingly. I laughed. "And that I find attractive." "Really?" He smirked. I smiled at him. "There isn't really a cause of bipolar disorder but it's linked with depression so I'm assuming I have it because my depression is pretty bad and I'm stressed out constantly by my antisocial personality disorder. My bipolar disorder comes out the most. I have really bad mood swings. It doesn't help that I don't have medication for any of these..." "I know it can get out of hand easily especially when if you were to get upset." "Yeah, it's bad. I hate having it. I hate having any of these mental illnesses. I wish they could fuck off. Sometimes I think I'm insane. I know it's just from me being mentally unstable but it causes me to do awful things. I'm not ready to share that with you. But I promise one day." I hugged him. He's been through a lot and he hasn't even mentioned schizophrenia yet. He reacted weird at first. I think he's scared by touch. I would ask why but I don't want him to feel like I'm forcing my way in. I'm going to wait for him.

I have a feeling he's worth it even if I'm pretty sure that he's a stalker. I don't really care. Is that odd? Probably, but I guess I'm weird then. He finally hugged back.
Love ya' my wee clouds
- Sid <3

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