no. 4

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Gerard's POV:

I said to Frank that I would accept everything about him, no matter what. With that, Frank is a murderer so I understand why he hides a lot of the time. I couldn't help but be sad about him leaving though. I like being around him. Also at least he likes me back. I know he's scared, but I'll show him that he doesn't need to be scared. Once he comes back I'll show him. I got a call from my mom.
"Gerard, where are you it's one in the morning?I was worried about you. The tv is saying there was a murder by a burning of a corpse. The police don't know who did it." "I'm fine. I was with my friend Frank." "Oh, okay. Glad your okay. Love you, see you home." I smiled as she hung up.

Once I got home, my mom was asleep. I dragged my feet to my room. I found a note on my bed. It was from Frank.

Sorry I got scared back there. My bipolar acted up. I just felt tense because I killed someone and I'm scared of the way you make me feel. I do want to be with you it's just. I feel like I'm going to fall in love with you. I've never felt that way for anyone. I never thought I'd be able to find anyone that I felt I could fall in love with. But Gerard I feel myself enjoying more things when I'm with you. I have hope that I can get better. I love how understanding you are. It means a lot to me. I trust you. Just give me time, please. In the mean time if you miss me just look in the trees and you'll find me.'
- Yours, Frank.'

I smiled wishing I could tell him that I'll can wait for him and that I think he's perfect the way he is. I hope he's okay. I went to bed. Not being prepared for school.
As soon as I woke up I already felt his eyes on me. I smiled to myself. I closed the curtain while I changed. Mikey walked in. "Where's Frank?" "He left early yesterday. He was too nervous to stay." "Oh that makes sense. Glad you spoke with him again." I smiled at him. "You ready?" "Yeah, I just got to get my backpack." "Wait for me in the car with mom." "Okay." I opened the curtains and stared up at the tree I smiled. I wrote him a letter.

Got your love note. I feel honored that you feel that way about me. I'll wait for you as long as possible. I mean this when I say it, your perfect the way you are. You think that's insane right? I've had that word on my mind a lot. It seems like your favorite word.'
- love, Gerard.'

I opened the window a little. I got tape and stuck the note at the edge between the window where it closes. I ran down stairs and to my moms car. I sat in the back, seeing Frank a little. Through the branches he was getting the note. I smirked and went to school. School was boring as usual. I constantly felt Frank's eyes on me the whole day. Until it was lunch.

"It's nice out we should stay outside." "Yeah, sure." Ray said to me. Mikey was pretty quiet like usual. I sat on the table instead of the bench. "What did you and Frank do yesterday?" Ray asked. I laughed. Mikey stopped reading his book. I laughed more. "Gerard, your my best friend and brother. But your really bad at hiding things." Ray laughed, at Mikey's words. "Well you know I was going to tell you. But fuck you guys." I said jokingly. They laughed. "We didn't do much just talked really." "Yeah, sure." I blushed. "We did not!" They laughed. "Damn defensive much." I blushed more looking up at the trees. I saw him again staring at me and having a smile on his face. He mouthed 'It doesn't help I'm wearing your clothes.' I blushed more. Ray and Mikey went to class early I stayed out. No one was there. I heard the branches rustling. He sat in my point of view. He was wearing my hoodie still. I smiled and faced his way. He mouthed again. 'You look pretty today.' 'You too, but you always look pretty.' He blushed. I smiled at him. 'I liked your note, it was cute.' The bell rang. 'I gotta go.' He blew a kiss and climbed up the tree.

After school I walked to my house. It was weird as if I was pretending Frank wasn't in my life. Like before, I didn't like it. I mean I love Ray and Mikey. But Frank means a lot to me.
I didn't do much just worked on boring homework. I looked up and saw him staring at me from my window. He knocked on my window. I opened it, he hugged me. He was weirdly strong. I fell on my back. I laughed a little. "So eager." I said raising my eyebrows. "Sorry, it's just I like you." I smiled. "You finally told me." He blushed. I smiled at him. "I couldn't stay away from you..." "I could tell." I walked over to my door and locked it. He held my hands. I smiled more he blushed. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" It was my turn to blush. "No... Have you?" "Yeah. Not with anyone as attractive as you though." I smirked and he leaned in. I wasn't sure how to react. I was surprised and in a flash he put his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I could feel him shake he was so nervous, his hands were shaking as well.

He pulled away and looked away from me. "Are you okay?" "you just make me nervous, sorry.... I ruined your first kiss by being weird." I smiled and walked over to him. "Frank, I know this might be hard for you to understand but I like you for who you are. I like how strange you are, how nervous you get around me, how shaky you get when I hold your hand, your real smile, and your real laugh." He blushed and looked surprised that I said all those things about him. But he needs to know how I feel. I leaned in and now I was kissing him again. His lips were so soft. The kiss felt desperate and eager after awhile. I smiled wondering where the sudden rush came from. He was being so aggressive pulling me towards him. But his strength caught me off guard making me fall on my back again. I didn't mind all the aggressiveness. He pulled away to catch his breath. He sat up so did I. "Why'd you stop?" He smiled and blushed. "Oh? So you like kissing me?" "Do I kiss you back?" He smirked. "I like kissing you too. But, Gerard I wanted to tell you something." "What is it?" "I like you. I've never really liked someone the way I like you. I know I'll fall in love with you some day and that makes me feel scared but also excited. I want you to be mine." "I'll fall in love with you one day too, Frankie."

He kissed me again being aggressive. "Is this okay?" "Yeah, your just strong is all. It keeps catching me off guard." I pressed my lips to his. He didn't kiss back. "I need to leave I need to leave." He ran his fingers through his hair. "You can, but what's going on?" "Nothing I'm fine, sorry..." "Frank tell me what's going on." I held his hand. He pulled away and backed up from me. "I'm sorry. I should've kept my distance." He frowned at me. "I'll see you soon." "I'll wait for you." He had a light smile and left. He blew a kiss. I sat on the floor for an hour after he left. I was stunned. There was a knock on my door. I sighed. I got up and unlocked my door. "Hey." It was Mikey and Ray. "What?" "What happened, Gerard?" "Frank was here but he left an hour ago..." They seemed worried. "He kissed me." "Well I'm glad I was out then..." Mikey said trying to make me laugh. I blushed and laughed a little. "Fuck off, we just kissed and he's my boyfriend now." "I'll have to meet him." Ray said sounding like a mom again. "I'm glad you found someone, brother." Mikey said with a smile.
14 reads???? Thank you sm my wee clouds :,)
- Sid <3

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