no. 15

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TW: Suicidal thoughts and attempt of suicide

Frank's pov:

I sat next to Gerard's unconscious body and cried. When I left his room I walked to the forest and called the detectives that were working on my case. I know Gerard's stubborn but I didn't think he'd run after me. At least he kissed back a little 2 minutes ago before I killed everyone. I stared at my bloody hands. I picked up my dagger and wiped the blood off. I put it in my pocket. I heard police sirens, shit. I felt his pulse it was dangerously fading away quickly. I need to take him to a hospital. I felt my tears running down my face quickly. Maybe if I call Mikey. I picked up Gerard and ran further into the forest. I heard the officers from a one mile distance ask about me they were talking about Gerard and I. I blocked it out and ran further until I was really deep in the forest. I called Mikey from Gerard's phone. "Oh shit I didn't think you were alive, Gerard is Frank okay? They're saying some crazy shit about you and him." I stayed quiet for a moment. "mikey..." "Frank? Where are you and Gerard?" "in the forest near the school..." "Do you want me to go over there, you sound off. What's going on?" "Mikey, just get over here please I have to go." He sighed. "Fine. But you'll break his heart, Frank. Are you sure you want to do that to him?" He asked sounding concerned for Gerard and I. I smiled to myself. "we can't run forever..." I hung up. I sat with him for awhile and hid his unconscious body near the top of a tree so no one would find him, except for Mikey and maybe Ray if he came along. I don't think the officers will walk this far if I lie and surrender. I sighed and gave Gerard a kiss on the head. I wrote a note on his phone for Mikey explaining everything that happened.

I walked where I could hear sirens. "Put your hands in the air." I heard someone say. I did not wanting to make this harder for myself. The officers pulled out their guns. "Where's the boy with red hair." I need to think of a lie quickly. "Dead..." They whispered to each other. A detective or lawyer came out. "Let me speak to him alone." She said. "Come over here, Mr. Iero." I followed her. "I'm the detective under your case. Who was the boy?" I didn't tell her anything. I cried, I'm not going to tell her shit. She proceeded to ask me questions that I refused to answer. Mostly about Gerard. Maybe she's trying to hide the fact that the officers before "killed" him. I cut her off annoyed by her questions "I killed all of the officers that were here before you and the ones before that. The ones before killed my friend so if you ask me they deserved it." I said frustrated. I could tell she genuinely cared. But I'm too upset about Gerard to keep my mind straight. She sighed feeling bad for me, I'm glad it's not pity. "Look Frank I get that your upset but I can't help you if you don't tell me anything. I can get you out of prison and put you in a mental institution instead that's connected to the prison. You're too young for prison and you'll most likely stay there your whole life. I believe that I can help you. You can trust me, I promise." She gave me a sad smile. "Thanks, but why?" "You don't remember?" She said. What? I mean she did look a little familiar. "No, who are you?" She smiled at me. "We can talk about that later. But tell me what happened. Everything you say is confidential."

I explained everything that happened before she came. I still didn't remember who she was. All I could remember was that she had something to do with my mom. "That's horrible." She rubbed her temple upset for Gerard and I. "I'll call his brother. I'll protect him for you, okay. But Frank you can never see him ever again. But if he's alive maybe he can write you letters." She gave me a hopeful smile. "okay." I said tears still on my face. She talked to the officers who were staring at me. I saw Mikey and Ray in the corner of my eye. When no one was looking I waved and smiled at them. They smiled back at me. "hey." I said to the detective quietly. "What?" She said glaring at me. I laughed a little. "I have to tell you something privately." She told the officers she'd be back. "What is it?" "Gerard's brother and friend are near us." I looked in their direction. "Oh okay good, I'll come back out here and talk to them. Thanks for telling me. Also your leaving to the mental institute right now."

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