no. 14

19 3 0

Gerard's pov:

I'm not sure what's going to happen. All I know is that we're definitely going to get caught. I really want to hold Frank's hand but I don't want him to hurt already than he is. I stared at him not really engaging in whatever he was saying to Mikey and Ray. "Gee are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." I lied. He held my hand. I smiled at him for making me feel better. "Sorry, I'm just scared their going to take you away from me. I don't want that, I should've listened to you..." Before he could even speak I felt myself cry. I don't cry that often but I feel overwhelmed. Mikey and Ray looked away from shock they've never really seen me cry. I've never really been sad about something. Except when Bert moved away. But I pretty much locked myself in my room for a month when that happened.
I walked up the stairs and to my room. I heard Frank say something quietly and he knocked on my door lightly. "Gerard... can i come in...?" I unlocked the door for him. He walked in and stared at my tear stained face. "i hate seeing you cry..." He sat on the floor with me. He held my hand again. "I don't blame you for being scared. I am too... That's sort of why I made a big deal out of it before." I smiled. "That's cute." He blushed. I smiled again my tears fading away. "I'm scared of us getting separated." "Yeah, I'm not really prepared for that." "We can pretend to ignore it." "That won't help." "I thought it'd make you feel better... This is all my fault..." I stayed quiet I think we were both overwhelmed. "Frankie, it's not your fault." "But it is." He said getting a little mad.

I didn't know what to say. I don't see him mad that often. I handed him a pack of cigarettes so he could calm down. It usually relaxes him. "Sorry, Gee." I smiled. "It's fine I think we're both overwhelmed. I can't think of anything to get our minds off of things." He smoked, he offered me to share. We smoked our whole pack. "we can't really get another pack." "I can ask my mom to buy me some." He stared at his burnt hands. "Gerard, dear? I know you're here I need to talk to you and Frank." Shit. He held my hand again. We walked down stairs and to the kitchen. "Where did Mikey and Ray go?" I asked her. She laughed. "To school. Where you should be at." She smiled at me and Frank. "You said you'd go this week." "Ma I can't just leave Frank here." She smiled. "Fine, you can stay." "Can you buy us cigarettes, please." She rolled her eyes. "Sure, but only one pack a week. No more than that." "Okay." "Your lucky I love you." "Love you too, Ma." "Here have the rest of my pack for the week."

I sat on my bed, Frank was asleep. There was a knock on my door. I opened it. It was Mikey and Ray. "Yeah?" "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." I said straight to the point. I just don't really want to think about me not being around Frank. I think I'd... Never mind. "Wouldn't it be better to turn yourselves in?" Mikey asked. "I mean at least that way no one will get hurt." Ray said. I smiled at them. "I don't think Frank wants to do that." I think he would get freaked out and run away. I don't want him to be gone. I want him in my life. Then I could never see him again. I stared at him. Also what if I'm not in his life anymore? How would that go? I think he'd hurt himself. I don't want that I need Frank as much as he needs me. I stared at him again.
"I don't want either of you to get hurt, Gerard." Mikey said. I didn't really know how to respond. I didn't want Frank hurt. I don't really care about what happens to me as long as he's okay. I'd do whatever Frank wanted me to do unless it was to leave him, fuck that. They must've of left because it was really quiet. I looked up and they were gone. Frank woke up. "hey..." I smiled at him. "Gee, you look so tired." I kissed his cheek. "You should get some sleep." "Can you get me coffee?" "No, go to bed." "Fine." He laid his arm around me. I smiled.

"Gee get up... It's late..." I looked over to him and smiled wide. I'm one hundred percent sure that he was watching me sleep. "Stalker." He smiled back. "Yeah well you love this stalker." I laughed. "How'd you know?" "I can tell." I blushed. Is it really that obvious? "It's not bad... it's....cute." He barley ever compliments me. He just gets so nervous. His face turned pink when I stared at him for too long. I didn't mean to make him nervous he's just so beautiful it's hard to look away. He kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. "I made you coffee..." He handed me the mug. "Thanks." He held my hand. I looked at his bandaged hands. "Does it still hurt?" "Not as much. When you were asleep your mom gave me some ointment." I drank the rest of my coffee. "I heard you talk to Mikey and Ray earlier. I know we feel the same way about each other but..." He paused for a moment. "Frank..." He stared at me. He smiled at me. "I love you." He kissed me before I could say anything. I kissed back it was a long kiss. "I love you too." He ran out of my room and I knew where he'd be but I needed a moment to contain myself for what I'm going to do for him. I cried and held his black hood.

I heard a knock on the door. I think it was Mikey. "Gerard..." I heard him say. I locked the door. "Let me in." "Hey Mikey." "Yeah?" "Is Ray with you?" "Yeah he's in my room why?" "Okay." I smiled to myself. "I love you both okay, bye I'll see you." I could already tell he was shaking his head and laughing a little. "I know what your up to, love you too brother." He walked to his room. He knows how stubborn I am.
I climbed out of my bedroom window and locked it behind me. It was dark out. I ran to the forest. I've never felt more happy in my life. But running after Frank for some reason made me the happiest I've ever felt before. "Frank?" "Gerard? What are you doing?" He said in a hushed voice looking really pissed off. I smiled at him he smiled back. "I should've known you'd be too stubborn." "You know it." "I wish I could convince you to run away. The dumb ass cops are coming here any second. Gee, can you hold my hand please I think this is going to be our last minutes with each other." I held his hand. We didn't say anything just sat there with each other holding hands.

I heard a lot of sirens and someone's voice say. "Please step away from the criminal, sir." I rolled my eyes and let go of Frank's hand. "I love you." I whispered. He smiled. "I love you too." He whispered back and blew a kiss. The officers held me back from Frank and stayed quiet they were questioning Frank first. He freaked out and was reaching for me. "It's okay, Frank. Calm down and focus on breathing." I told him I saw tears in his beautiful eyes. "Shut the fuck up." One of the officers told me. It really pissed off Frank and he took out his dagger from his pocket. I frowned at him, but the officers kept my hands behind my back. "Let me calm him down, fucking dumb assholes." I yelled at the officers holding me then I pushed them off of me somehow. Maybe from anger. I held Frank and whispered in his ears. "It's okay, Frank." I kissed his cheek. The officers pulled me off of him. It took three of the motherfuckers to hold me down. Before I could blink he killed all of them in seconds. "Frank?" I asked feeling sick from all the dead people around me. He was whispering to himself on the dead tree him and I always sit at. I sat across from him. "Gee... I'm sorry you had to see that." He hugged me. "NO!" I heard him say but I wasn't sure why he said this. But I had a bad feeling. So I said the only thing I could think of. "I love you, your perfect even if you don't see it." He ran towards me I smiled weakly. I think I was shot I coughed up some blood and in a haze he kissed me and I saw him kill everyone surrounding him and I. My eyes closed by themselves.

I didn't cry while writing this, no I don't know what your talking about :,(
- Sid <3

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