no. 7

21 3 2

Frank's pov:

Gerard didn't text me back. I don't blame him. I can't believe I made his wrist turn purple. That's so fucked up. The expression on his face when that happened made me have tears in my eyes. He looked so sad, confused, and hurt. How could I fucking hurt him. If you love someone you should never hurt them. Especially if their the only person you give a shit about. I sat in a tree wondering how I could make it up to him. I fell asleep.
A strange noise woke me up. I looked down and it was Gerard. I wondered why he didn't just text me. I climbed down the tree. "Hi.." He smiled at me. "I didn't think it was the best to tell you this over text or a call... But on the news.. it said they know that 'The Poisoner' is in New Jersey..." "Shit, how the fuck do they know." "I'm not sure... At least they don't know your name or what you look like." "Yeah, but for how long..." I felt myself get angry, scared, and sad. First of all how the fuck do the police know? I don't want him to be in prison and I don't want to be separated from him either.

He noticed I was freaking out. "Hey, it'll be alright. Just try controlling your urges." He held both my hands. I immediately felt a smile appear on my lips. I kissed his cheek. He always makes me feel comfortable and calms me down. I sat on the dead tree with him. Trying to calm down. My urges are all fucked up. I took deep breaths and counted to hundred. "Hey, are you okay, Frankie?" "Yeah.... I just need to calm my nerves down." He held both my hands and breathed in and out.
I calmed down a little. I took my cigarettes out and smoked. I held his hand. "Thanks for staying, Gee." "Of course, I would never leave you." I smiled. "That means a lot." I kissed him. I saw all the hickeys on his neck. I laughed a little. "What?" "I can see the hickeys I left..." He smiled at me. "Oh I got so much shit for it." He laughed. I noticed his wrist it was bruised by me. I frowned it had turned purple and blue. "Does it hurt?" "Yeah, but it's okay." I looked away from his gaze. His golden like eyes still on me. "Frank, it's okay, really." He smiled at me. "Shit." "What?" "I gotta go." I sighed. "okay. Bye, love you." He blushed and smiled again. "Love you too. I'll come back at 2. " He walked away.

Once he left I felt very bored. Maybe I should follow him. I climbed into the trees and followed him. I haven't done this in awhile, follow him that is.
I saw him talking to Mikey and Ray. I watched and heard a little. I have really good senses, if I didn't I'd be a pretty shit murderer. "Where were you?" His brother asked. Ray laughed. "Damn, dude what happened to your neck?" Mikey rolled his eyes. Gerard's face went red. He stayed quiet now noticing my eyes on him. He smiled. "Well kinda obvious, that I was with Frank." His face was still red. I smiled.
After awhile of them talking they went to class I stayed in the tree staring away.

Gerard, Mikey, and Ray sat on the benches outside again. Well he definitely knows I'm watching him. I heard them talk again. "So are you and Frank dating?" Ray asked. "Yeah, it's nice." They both smiled at him. I didn't pay much attention to what else they talked about. Until Gerard was left alone for some reason. He turned around to look in my direction, I climbed down just a little. A smile appeared on his face. I smiled back. He mouthed, 'Hi.' 'Hey.' 'My favorite stalker.' I laughed a little. 'Thanks.' The bell rang. 'Gotta go.'

I stalked him until the day was over. He was walking towards the tree I usually stay around. I climbed down and walked beside him. "Hi." He jumped a little. I laughed. "What the fuck. I didn't feel your eyes on me anymore after lunch." I smiled. "I told you I'm good at hiding." "Guess so." I sighed wanting to bring up me getting caught sooner or later. "Are you okay? Seems like something is on your mind." I smiled, how did he know that? I hate when he knows I'm nervous, it makes me even more nervous. "I'm just worried about being caught." He laughed a little. "Gerard, it's not a joke." "I know, calm down." He smiled again. "It's actually kind of cute how much your freaking out about it." "Fuck off, it's not." I said. He laughed again. "You're being dramatic, Frankie. Calm down. It'll be fine. Come on let's have fun, fuck worrying about that." I smiled at him. "Okay, sorry. I just don't want to be separated from you." "That's what your worried about?" I blushed. "yeah..." "Hey, even if we get caught. Let's be honest we'd still find a way to see each other." "Not wrong." "Also I'm not even sure if they'd really take us to prison. Cause' technically your not stable, neither am I if I'm your accomplice, and we're both underaged. Maybe if they catch on to that they'll throw us in a mental hospital." "Probably. You'd still be with me even then?" "Of course, Frankie." I held his hand and we walked to the dead tree to sit on. "How are your urges?" "They're better now that your here with me." He blushed and leaned into kiss me. I felt myself get really nervous. I can't believe he forgave me for hurting his wrist. I felt really shitty that I did that. I felt tears in my eyes. They dripped down as I felt his lips on mine. "What's wrong? Did you not want to kiss. I'm sorry Frank..." I cut him off by my very audible crying. He hugged me. "What's wrong?" "I hurt you..." He smiled at me. "It's okay, really." "That was so awful of me." He frowned. "Frankie, it's fine."

I sat on the dead tree and smoked with him. We were sharing cigarettes. I would take a drag then give it to him and he'd take a drag. We did this until our cigarettes were gone. We didn't really talk just smoked. I wondered what he was thinking about. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just thinking." "About?" "You." I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, you should wear my clothes more often. You look cute." "Thanks." I felt myself get red.


F o r e s h a d o w i n g

Dude I got asked to write smut????? I mean should I lol? Let me know I guess. Also thanks for all the reads <3

Love ya my wee clouds (even if some of you are fucking weird.)

- Sid <3

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