Chapter One: When Evil Stirs

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Narrator POV

The story starts with Tyler, writing in his journal, recalling Sledge's defeat, and how he missed being a Power Ranger, despite being glad the world was safe and that he could once more look for his father.

At the now crashed ship, those inside are still encarcerated, despite weeks passing since the crash and the operating systems within being heavily damaged. Sledge's most powerful outlaw, Snide, proclaims himself master over all aboard. One Spikeball denies this, stating Sledge is their master, causing Snide to vaporize the Spikeball with two quick slashes from his sword, declaring Sledge is history. However, before he can proceed any further, the symbol on his neck glows and he exchanges bodies with Heckyl. As Heckyl had provided the escapees food and then laid out the new rules, Heckyl gave the outlaws and Sledge's crew the choices of being loyal to him/them, then they can stay or if they are not loyal, then they can "leave". The Cloaked Alien then attempts to leave but he got shot in the back, instantly disintegrated into nothing. He was then used as an example for those who try to escape will be labeled as "traitors" as Heckyl and his other half Snide are now their masters.

Aaron POV

After the defeat of Sledge, everyone has returned to their lives. Phillip and I have been growing closer and closer everyday, even though he has to be in Zandar, him being a prince he has his responsibility in Zandar, but we still talk to each other over the phone everyday. It was a surprise to me at first, that both Koda, and Ivan knows about us being boyfriends, but than they told me that after I left the base that day, Phillip told the others that he's the Phil, that I've been talking about, while also mentioning that they followed me to, me and Phillip's secret spot.

Me, Koda, Ivan, and Kendall are currently in the Dino Café. Kendall was reading a letter Shelby has sent. "I'm starting Summer School, taking a couple of Business Classes, I'm not sure if it's what I want, but my parents say it's the best thing for me." Kendall said, as she read the letter. "Shelby, starting to be a businesswoman!" Ivan said excitedly. "What is Business-woman?" Koda asked. "I have no idea." Ivan replied. I laughed a bit, while also shaking my head.

"Order." A customer said, as he hands Kendall his order. "Thanks." Kendall said, as she took the order. Kendall hands it to Ivan. "Four Bronto Burgers, Three Milkshakes, Fries, Fries, and more Fries!" Ivan said, as he read the order in speed. "Woah, that's a lot." I said. "We simply can't keep up." Ivan said. "Don't worry, I'm just about to interview a new waiter." Kendall said, as she left. "Thank you." Ivan said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

Me, Koda, Ivan, and Kendall are now in the base. "That's very odd." Kendall said. "What is?" Ivan asked. "I got a message from Tyler, but it was cut off before he finish." Kendall said. "I called Riley, and he not answering." Koda said. "I called Shelby, as well. But she's not answering." I said. "Hold your horses, you're being paranoid. Surely, you know, they're just fine. Than again it wouldn't hurt to pay a little visit, right?" Ivan asked. "Right." Koda replied. "Yup." I said. "Let's go." Kendall said. We left the base.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

We arrived outside of the woods. "Are you quite sure this is the place?" Ivan asked. "Positive." Kendall replied. We got out of the truck. "GPS data, says this is the area, he made the call from." Kendall said. "Tyler!" Koda called. "Where are you!" I said. "We cover more ground, if we spread out!" Ivan said.

We split up to look for Tyler. "Over here!" Kendall called. Me, and Ivan arrived, and saw Tyler's Jeep in ice. "A monster did this." Kendall said. "But Sledge was destroyed. Wasn't he?" Ivan questioned. "This can't be good." I said. "Remember me?" A voice said. We tried to dodge the attack, but got froze.

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