Chapter Twenty-One: End of Extinction

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Aaron POV

All of us were outside of the museum fighting a bunch of monsters.

"The monsters are in the base! Keeper's in trouble!" Ivan said.

"Let's go!" Tyler said, as we went into the museum.

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All of us got to the base, and fired at Fury.

"Keeper, you okay?" Koda asked.

"The Dark Energem will be mine!" Fury said.

"You might want to reconsider that promise!" Phillip said.

"Curse you, Rangers! I will be back!" Fury said, as he left.

All of us ducked, and saw that he is gone.

"You are not safe here anymore. We must leave." Keeper said. Suddenly the alarm beeped.

Sledge appeared on screen. "Your time is up! Power Rangers! Moments from now, my ship will yank the Earth from orbit, and sold your planet in space.

I sold your miserable planet to the scrapyard comet sign. You wouldn't give me the Energems. So, I'll pry them from your..." Sledge said, as the screen turned off.

"He sold your planet, for scrap." Heckyl said. "No. He can't possible tow the Earth out of orbit. Can he?" Ivan said.

In the base it begins to shake. Phillip held me, so I wouldn't fall. James did the same to Leo.

"Are you alright?" Ivan asked. "That can't be good." Shelby said.

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We cleared out the base a bit. "Sledge, used the electro nets on the Earth from all of the locations we fought Greenzillas." Kendall said.

"The eggs turned into anchor points." Kendall continued. "He had this planned out from the beginning. So that he can drag our planet out of orbit." Riley said.

"The further we move from the sun, the colder we'll get." I said. "How long before we freeze?" Koda asked.

"An hour. Maybe." Kendall said. "We gotta take Sledge out, before that happens." Tyler said.

"Wait. The only hope of saving the Earth, is to destroy the Dark Energem. Once this is gone, the ultimate power of your Energems will be unlocked. And you'll be able to save the planet." Keeper said.

"But we blasted that thing, with the Titano Cannon." James said. "And it didn't work." Leo said. "Not even a scratch." Koda said.

"Wait. Keeper, you said that the Dark Energem was made from pure darkness, right?" Riley asked. "Yes. The essence of evil." Keeper said.

"So, does that mean that light can destroy that darkness?" Riley asked. "I'm not certain. But, to do so, it would require and incredibly bright source." Keeper said.

"Where are we going to find that much light?" Shelby asked.

"I think I have an idea. What if we solve this, the same way we solve everything. With teamwork. And the biggest team the world has ever seen." Chase said.

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Chase, Koda, Riley, Shelby, Ivan, and Keeper are on the Ptera Zord telling the civilians what to do. While the rest of us were at the base.

"There that should do the trick." Kendall said, as she placed the Dark Energem in place. "Let's get it to the Zord." James, and Leo said. 

"It's ready." I said. "We'll meet you in the point, in fifteen minutes." Tyler said. All of us left the base.

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