Chapter Five: Roar of the Red Ranger

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Aaron POV

All of us are outside at a forest. Tyler was showing us a map. "That's supposed to be a map? Looks like a kid drew it." Shelby said. Some of us laughed. "I was five, okay? And besides it's waterproof, my dad use to say, it's great for the outdoors." Tyler said. "And to eat." Koda said. "No, Koda." I said.

"Let's see." Tyler said. "I don't trust that map." Shelby said. Tyler begin looking at the map, while tilting it. We tilted our heads to follow it. "Here it is!" Tyler said, as he went to a pile of rocks. "That?" Me, and Shelby said. "Is it a pile of buried treasure?" Ivan asked. "Sort of." Tyler said, as he digs through it. "Guys, guys, look here it is!" Tyler said, as he took out a box.

"My dad, and I use to come camping here, all the time. And each time we come, we'd put something in this box. Letters, and, uh, photos, and I continued the tradition, ever since." Tyler said, as he took out some of the items.

"Aw, no way, I caught this baseball when I was eight, I was so excited, dad told me, he'd be leaving in an expedition just before the day of my birthday party. He never made it to the party. I haven't seen him since." Tyler said. All of us were a bit sad.

"That is a sad tale, indeed my friend." Ivan said. "But, hey, um, we know that you're going to find your dad." Chase said. "Yeah, Sir Tyler." Ivan said. "Yeah, man." Riley said. "This year's my totem is a hat. From the Dino Bite Café. It's not the hat, that's important, it's all the friends that I made at the café." Tyler said.

Shelby went over to him. "Thanks, for sharing this with us, Tyler. It's very special." Shelby said. The rest of us walked away.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are back at the base. Chase, and Ivan were training. Me, and Koda were watching them. Riley, and Kendall were working on something. "So, this new Dino Charger will only respond to the Red Energy Signature?" Riley said. "It relies on the Tyrannosaurus-Rex Energy. Only Tyler will be able to access, T-Rex Super Charge Mode." Kendall said.

"Guys!" Tyler called, as he entered the base, through the slide. "What happened?" Chase asked. We help Tyler up. "A monster attacked me in the woods, he was fast, and I didn't have my Energem. Out of no where a Ranger saved me. I think it was the Aqua Ranger." Tyler said. Shelby gasped.

"I had hoped this day would come, do you know his identity?" Keeper asked. "No, he was there, and than he was gone. He didn't stick around, and chat. I wonder..." Tyler said, as he starts to recall something. "Rusty, when I went to see Rusty in a cave, he asked about my Energem, he seemed like he'd seen an Energem before." Tyler said.

"Whoever it is, we must convinced them to join us, the added strength could give us the edge we need, to destroy Heckyl." Keeper said. Suddenly an alarm beeped, and we went over to it. "Let's go test your new, T-Rex Super Charge Mode." Kendall said handing Tyler the Charger. "Aw, cool! A new mode!" Chase said. "Yeah!" Riley said. We left the base.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are now outside in an open field, Morphed. "Okay, moment of truth. You ready to go?" Kendall asked. "Yup! I can't wait to see what this thing can do." Tyler said. "You guys, are gonna love this." Kendall said.

"Stego Shield!" Koda said, as he prepares his shield.

"Dino Charger! Ready!" Tyler shouted, as he pressed on it, and placed it into his Morpher.

"T-Rex Super Charger! Engage!" Tyler's Morpher said.

Tyler was about to energize it, but got electrocuted.

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