Chapter Eleven: Turquoise Surprise

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A/N: Like I said in the last A/N, this is where Aaron's dad, Leo, becomes a Ranger. Like I said before I'm not good with interactions and stuff, so I hope this turns out good. I'm also not that good with plots.

3rd POV

In New Zealand's Airport. Leo Johnson, who is Aaron Johnson's father, is preparing to board for his flight.

'I wonder how Aaron will react when he sees me?' Leo thinks to himself, chuckling a bit. He took out a necklace to check on his Energem.

'I wonder what this could be?' Leo thinks to himself, as he remembers how he got it.


Leo was exploring a cave, in New Zealand. His job as a Geologist, allows him to have knowledge on ways to navigate through caves, and be in places.

While exploring the cave, Leo suddenly came across something, he took a step back, and starts to inspect the area.

When inspecting the area he found a fossil, and not just any fossil he found the Kronosaurus Fossil.

On further inspections he found the Energem, which he had no idea what it was. He keeps it as a souvenir.

A while later he called professionals, and they dug the fossil out. And thanking Leo.


Leo Remembers how it glowed when he saved a child from danger, the child was almost hit by a car, thankfully Leo saved them before they could be hit.

The Energem glowed, and he suddenly feel stronger, and more energetic than usual.

Leo remembers seeing something similar to it, when he saw Aaron the last time he was at New Zealand, on his business trip.

'Maybe I could ask Aaron about it.' Leo thinks to himself, than stops when his plane arrived, and begins boarding it.

Back to Amber Beach

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

Aaron POV

All of us are at the base. "We know that the Silver Energem is in outer space." Shelby said. "But the location of the Turquoise Energem is still unknown." I said. "Do we have any information on where the Turquoise Energem might be?" Riley asked.

"I'm afraid not, it's hard to determine where the Energem is, or if the Energem has bonded to someone." Kendall said. "Wherever it is, we need to find it." Tyler said. "I do say, finding an Energem is quite difficult." Ivan said.

"You said it." Chase said. "Finding Energem, very hard." Koda said. "Wherever it is, we need to continue looking, before Heckyl, and his lackeys finds it." Tyler said. "Right now, you all need to get back to work." Kendall said.

All of us left the base, to go work at the Dino Café.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌


I am now walking through Amber Beach, remembering everything that happened in the past. Some good memories, and some bad ones, but mostly good ones. I have already put my luggage in a hotel that's nearby.

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