Chapter Eight: Riches and Rags

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Aaron POV

All of us were at the Dino Café working. Tyler, and Chase suddenly left. Me, and Shelby walked outside, and saw Ivan, and Kendall. "Well, how'd it go?" Shelby asked. "Don't ask." Kendall said. "Hey, have you guys, seen Chase, and Tyler?" I questioned. "They must've left." Shelby said. "Good grief, I've gotta figure out how to save the museum." Kendall said. Me, and Shelby went back to work.

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All of us except for Tyler, Chase, and Ivan are at the base. "The Triceratops horn. Estimate a value of three-thousands dollars." Shelby said. "I can't believe the museum would sell these things." I said. "We have no choice, we'll just keep counting. Six fossils." Kendall told Riley, and he wrote it down.

Tyler, and Chase entered the base. "Hey, guys." Riley greeted. "You guys, back." Koda said. "Where have you been?" I asked. "We, uh, ran into one of Heckyl's monster, chased him through the forest, bla, bla, bla, we lost him." Tyler said.

"What is in your pockets?" Kendall asked, as she took off her glasses. "Pockets? Oh uh, just something that monster dropped." Chase said. The gold coin rolled between them. Tyler, and Chase looked at each other.

"It's mine." Tyler said.

"No, it's mine." Chase said.

"It's mine."

"It's mine."

The both of them fought, and gold coins fell from their pockets. "What on Earth?" I said. Tyler, and Chase begin getting their coins back. "Why are you two acting so weird. Let me see one of those." Shelby said. "Wait. Don't touch them." Kendall stopping her.

Kendall grabbed a piece of coin, with something. "A monster dropped these, huh? I'll bet they're made a lot more than just, gold." Kendall said.

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"That's it. The coins are encoded. When you touched one, it activates a part of the brain, that makes a person greed." Kendall said. We turned back to look at Tyler, and Chase, who are still having gold coins with them. "Huh, good thing the coins didn't affect us." Tyler said. "Greedy, tch, that's so terrible." Chase said.

Ivan came into the base. "Alas, I was not able to secure two millions dollar. What's all of these about?" Ivan asked when he saw the dinosaurs fossils. "These are the piece the museum could spare." I said. "And give them to pay back Mr. Smith." Shelby said.

"You can't sell them, these fossils are heart and soul of the museum." Ivan said. "Doesn't matter, 'cause even after selling them, we'll still be short. I'm afraid we're gonna have to face it, the museum is lost." Kendall said.

"I can't believe, what I've done." Ivan said. "But, what if we get more gold coin?" Koda said. "Yeah, we have to go stop the monster anyway." Shelby said. "Why not? At least the golds can go towards a good cost." Riley said. "It's worth a shot. Tyler, Chase, you need to lead these guys back to where the monster's treasure is." Kendall said.

Tyler, and Chase cover up their gold coins. "Don't worry, I won't let anyone touch your gold coins." Kendall said.

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All of us rushed toward the location. "Keep following the trail of coins!" Shelby said. "Wait, the trail splits into two." Chase said. We saw the trail of coins, split into two directions. "Meaning there's two treasures!" Tyler said. "Or maybe they're both traps." Riley said.

"You can stand here if you want, I'm gonna get that treasure." Chase said. "Not if I get it first!" Tyler said. The both of them continued following the trail. "Wait!" Riley said trying to stop them. "Ivan, you, and Koda follow them. Aaron, Riley, and I will take this path." Shelby said. We split up, and continue following the trail.

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