Chapter Two: Forgive and Forget

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Aaron POV

All of us, except for Riley are at the base. "We were very fortunate that Koda, and Tyler saved us from those ice blocks." Shelby said. "But we don't know what else this scoundrel Snide is capable of." Ivan said. "Yeah, we need to be more careful." I said. "This might help, it's a technology I was developing to use against Sledge, I've adapted it to create a more Powerful Mode for our Megazords. I present Dino Super Drive." Kendall said. "Awesome." Tyler said.

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All of us arrived Morphed, where Riley is.

"I'll get you, Green Ranger!" Stingrage said.

"Think again, you toxic-twit!" Tyler said.

We begin fighting Stingrage.

Stingrage pushed Tyler, and Shelby to the ground, and they de-morphed.

"Dino Blast!" Me, Koda, and Chase shouted, as we fired at Stingrage.

"This plan is all messed up! Later losers!" Stingrage said, as he ran away.

"Are you guys okay?" Tyler asked.

"That monster shot Heckyl!" Riley said.

"Oh no!" Chase said.

Tyler took the stinger out of Heckyl.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked.

"He tried to fire at me, but Heckyl jumped in front, and got shot!" Riley said.

"What am I doing here? What happened to me? Who am I?" Heckyl asked.

"You mean, you don't remember?" Shelby asked.

"Well, no." Heckyl said.

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All of us got back to the museum. We got out of Tyler's Jeep. "Don't worry, Heckyl you going to be okay." Koda said. "This is not a good idea, showing anybody our base, is very risky." Kendall said. "Heckyl already saw us as, Rangers." Chase said. "What?" Kendall said.

"He saw us." Shelby said. "He was only injured, when he bravely went and saved Riley." Ivan said. "We have to help him. Please, Ms. Morgan." Riley said. "Okay." Kendall said. "Where are we going, exactly?" Heckyl asked. "You'll see." Riley said.

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All of us are now in the base. "This the one he stings me with, a long time ago." Koda said. Kendall placed the new one next to it. "This is the one that, Heckyl was hit by today. The venom is different." Kendall said. "The new venom, causes the victim to forget who they are." Shelby said. "And what they're doing." I said.

"That's why Heckyl is as dull, as a donkey." Ivan said. We looked at Heckyl, and saw that he is using his hands talking to himself. "It he would've hit Riley, he would have forgotten he was a Ranger." Tyler said. "And they could've taken my Energem." Riley added. "This antidote should restore his memory." Shelby said, as she walks over to Heckyl, and sprayed him with it.

"I remember everything now, that monster has stung me, and you were all Power Rangers. You brought me her, to your base." Heckyl said. "You can't tell anyone." Shelby said. "You're secret is safe with me." Heckyl said. "We have to be ready, when that monster attacks again." Tyler said.

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All of us are at the marathon cheering for Riley. "Drink up, you need to hydrate." Heckyl said next to Riley. "Oh, thanks Heckyl, but I got my own sports drink." Riley said. "See you at the first checkpoint. My man." Chase said. "Thanks." Riley said. "You got this, brace yourself, stay hydrated!" Tyler said, as we cheered for Riley.

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