Chapter Fourteen: Recipe for Disaster

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A/N: Like I said in the last Chapter's A/N, I skipped the episode "Catching Some Rays".

Aaron POV

All of us are at the base. "Long ago, when the good Energems are created, the evil residue left behind became the Dark Energem. It is the one thing, that can cripple the power of the Twelve Energems. It was hidden deep within a planet, called Sentai 6. Centuries later, a mysterious warlord discovered it's location, he destroyed the entire planet, than disappeared with the Dark Energem. Now, that the Dark Energem has resurfaced, the Silver Ranger needs all the help we can give him, to destroy it." Keeper said.

"I'm afraid Keeper's right, and that's why all of the data on our Zords, and Megazords has been transferred to the Silver Ranger, until we know his location there's simply nothing more we can do." Kendall said.

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All of us are at the Dino Café kitchen. Tyler came rushing in. "Is the Pavlova done yet? Catherine Allister the food critic, just ordered a slice." Tyler said. "It was done, this is the third try." Chase said. "Yeah, we're having some quality control issues." Shelby said. "You should've seen what happened." I said.

"Don't worry, I've double checked every ingredient, this time. Whipped Cream, Fruit, let's go." Chase said. "This thing better be good, Chase. One bad review from this lady, and the café could shut down." Shelby said. "Yeah, that's not gonna be good." I said. "But no pressure." Tyler said.

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"May, I present to you, Pavlova, it's my favorite dessert from my home country, New Zealand." Chase said. Suddenly a noise was made. "What was that?" Ms. Catherine asked. "Well, you know, it looks so good, that my stomach started growling." Riley said.

All of us agreed, and laughed a bit. The Pavlova exploded. "Oh no!" Shelby said. "Not good!" I said. "I'm so sorry!" Chase said. "This is a designer hand bag." Ms. Catherine exclaimed. "Now, it's Pavlova hand bag." Koda said. "Koda, not the time." I said.

"Your café, is about to receive the worst review, that I have ever given." Ms. Catherine said, as she stood up. "Please, give us another chance." Chase said. "Call yourself a New Zealander, and you can't even make a Pavlova!" Ms. Catherine said, as she started leaving.

"Look, I don't know what happened, I followed the recipe every time." Chase said. "No, second chance!" Ms. Catherine said, as she left.

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We are at the lab, bringing in some of the stuff needed for the Pavlova. "What are you doing? This is a sterile laboratory-" Kendall was about to say. "Sorry, Ms. Morgan." I said. "Chase wants to be a hundred percent sure, we followed the Pavlova recipe precisely this time." Shelby said.

"Hey, can we borrow your digital scale? We're trying to get it right, down to the Nano-ounces." Riley said. "But-but-" Kendall said. "Hey, Ms. Morgan, thanks for letting us, use your equipment, huh? My Energem." Chase said, as he dropped the eggs onto the floor.

"Where is it?" Chase said, as he remembered something. "Must've gotten knocked into the Pavlova." Chase said. "We didn't find anything when we cleaned up." Tyler said. "Oh no, that means, it's in her hand bag. I'll be right back, don't worry." Chase said, as he left the base.

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The alarm beeped. "What is it, Ms. Morgan?" Shelby asked. "The T-Rex Zord, was just activated." Kendall said. "But, how?" Koda questioned. "The Plesio Zord, and Pachy Zord has been activated too!" Kendall said. "What is going on?" Shelby said.

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