Chapter Twenty: Edge of Extinction

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A/N: The extra country for this Chapter, is Brazil. I just select random countries, and chose Brazil.

Aaron POV

All of us were at the Dino Café. Tyler, and the others came in. "Has Ms. Morgan, figured out what that eggy thing is?" Ivan asked. "She said, it's definitely alive. But, it's not from Earth." Tyler said.

"Maybe that's why Heckyl said, to get off the planet fast." Shelby said. "Yeah." I said. "We have to find out, what he meant." Riley said.

"Heckyl? Well, why don't you ask him, when you give him this sundae." Chase said. "What?" The others said. Me, and Shelby saw Heckyl outside.

We went to him. "What are you doing here, Heckyl?" Tyler asked, as he brought him his sundae.

"Thank you. I know it's not good for me but. A man should be able to enjoy his last meal. Shouldn't he?" Heckyl said.

"What do you mean 'last meal'?" Riley asked. "It's something to do with that egg we found, isn't it?" Shelby asked.

"If you must know. That egg, you've discovered. It will hatch into a Greenzilla monster. You know, big, green, giant tentacle." Heckyl said.

"Yes. We fought one before, and we were victorious." Ivan said. "Have you beaten seven before? Sledge, planted them all around the Earth. Tokyo, New York, Hawaii, China, England, Brazil, and Amber Beach." Heckyl said.

"He's going to crush the whole world." Heckyl said. "Than we need your help, to find, and destroy them." Koda said. "My help? You must be kidding." Heckyl said.

"The Heckyl who tried so hard to desperately to save his own planet. That is the Heckyl we need to help save the Earth." Ivan said.

"And that Heckyl doesn't exist anymore. I touched the Dark Energem. There's no goodness left in me." Heckyl said, as he stood up, and was about to leave.

"Than why did you help us against Badussa?" I asked, as I stopped him. Heckyl remembered the time he helped us.

"The Dark Energem split you into Snide, and Heckyl." I said. "Snide is evil. But Heckyl, isn't. You've changed." Shelby said.

"They're right." Ivan said. "It's over, Rangers. Enjot the last days of your lives. I know, I will." Heckyl said, as he left.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us ae back at the base. "Heckyl said, Sledge planted six more. All over the planet." Shelby said. "They're about to hatch, and destroy the Earth." Tyler said.

"Good heavens." Phillip said. "Not good." I said.

The alarm beeped. "It stated one's already hatched in Tokyo. Another Greenzilla just hatched in England." Kendall said.

"Seems like we're next." Ivan said, as we look at the egg. "Stand back!" James, and Leo said.

Tyler, Chase, and Shelby fired at it, and it exploded. Phillip covered me, while I saw James covered Leo.

"That was close." Shelby said. The alarm beeped again. All of us look at the screen.

"Oh no. China, New York, and Hawaii. Three more Greenzillas." Kendall said. "Just like Heckyl say." Koda said.

"Rangers, this will be the greatest battle, you have ever faced. No matter how hopeless, it may seems. You must never give up." Keeper said.

"Don't worry, Keeper. We didn't come this far to give up now." Tyler said. All of us nodded our heads in agreement.

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