Chapter Nineteen: The Rangers Rock!

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A/N: Aaron's Brachio Chargers got busted, from the battle with Arcanon. So, he can't use it, for this Chapter.

Aaron POV

Me, and Kendall were walking to the Dino Café. "Ms. Morgan, how are my Brachio Chargers?" I asked. "Don't worry, Aaron. It'll take some time, but I'll have them fix in no time." Kendall said.

Me, and Kendall entered the kitchen, and saw the others. "Koda, who is eating the Pavlova like a caveman right now." Riley said.

"Oh, good grief." Kendall said. "I win!" Koda said, with his mouth full of Pavlova. The frostings got on us.

"Your dad, and Aaron's dad, found what we were looking for. Get cleaned up, and head to the base. Prince Phillip, James, Leo, are on their way." Kendall said.

"My dad is back!" Tyler said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are at the base. "Welcome, Power Rangers. Although we have all twelve Energems, to unlock their ultimate powers, we must first destroy the Dark Energem." Keeper said.

"And now, thanks to James, and Leo, we might be able to do just that." Kendall said.

"We've discovered the monsters' base." Leo said. "Their spaceship crashed, but it wasn't destroyed." James said. "That's where the Dark Energem will be." Leo said.

"That's great." Shelby said. "It's not all great. Snide, is a new partner..." James said. "Of Sledge." Both Leo, and James said.

"Sledge?" Riley said. "No way." I said. "He's still alive?" Riley asked. "He's working with Snide, now? This very bad." Koda said.

"Whatever do we do now?" Ivan asked. "I say, we hit them with everything we got. Every Megazord, destroy the monsters, the spaceship, and the Dark Energem all at once." Chase said.

"Yes." Ivan said. "That might work, but there's no way to be sure, we'd destroy the Dark Energem." Shelby said. "What do you suggest, Shelby?" Zenowing asked.

"We sneak onto Sledge's ship, and crush the Dark Energem. A surprise attack." Shelby said. "We've been on the ship before. So, we knew our way around." Tyler said.

"It's the only way, we'll be sure to destroy it." Shelby said. "She's right." I said.

"Okay, no Megazords. We go on foot, and we infiltrate them quietly." Kendall said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are outside.

We saw a bunch of Vivix.

"Well, there goes our sneak attack!" Chase said.

All of us begin fighting the Vivix.

Badussa appeared, and starts to turn the others to stone.

Me, Phillip, James, and Leo regrouped.

"Don't look at the monster's amulet! It will turn you to stone!" Shelby said.

We hid behind a tree.

"You can't hide from me! Soon, you'll be stoned, just like the others!" Badussa said.

Shelby covered her eyes, and tried to fired at Badussa.

"Come out, and face me, Rangers!" Badussa said.

Heckyl appeared.

"You!" Heckyl said.

"What are you doing here?" Badussa said.

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