Chapter Thirteen: Trick or Trial

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A/N: This will be short, cause I'm not writing the Court part. Also I'm skipping the Episode "Catching Some Rays", so the next Chapter will be "Recipe for Disaster".


Me, Ivan, and Kendall are outside wearing our Halloween costumes. Kendall is dressed as a musketeer. Ivan is dressed as a scarecrow. I am dressed as a Wizard. Ivan, and Kendall were skipping. "I do hope they haven't left yet, I'm so looking forward to Trick or Treating, on the way to the party." Ivan said.

"Monsters!"  I said, as we saw monsters. Tyler is dressed as a matador. Riley is a detective. Shelby is a pirate. Chase is a vampire. Koda is a samurai. Aaron is a prince. "We meet at last, Rangers!" Scumlaw said. We hid behind a tree. "Let's see what they're up to." Kendall said.

"What's going on?" Tyler said. "You are summoned to the Halloween Intergalactic Court, you're finally gonna pay for all your crimes! See you in court!" Scumlaw said. The Mummy Guards fired something at them, and they teleported away.

"They vanished." Ivan said. "This is not good." I said. "We're back in business boys, and the Energems will be mine!" Scumlaw said.

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"Here's your treats boys!" Scumlaw said, as he hands them a bag of candy. "Hey! Where's the other half of our candy?" A mummy guard said. "You'll get the rest of it, when you get the other Rangers to the courtroom. I own the Jury, meaning I'll win this case in no time! Now send me to court, I have Rangers to prosecute." Scumlaw said. 

"Come on, we got more Rangers to catch." A Mummy Guard said. "First let's have a donut." The other one said. "But you don't even have a mouth." The Mummy Guard said. They left.

"They're after us, too. We've gotta figure out who they are." Kendall said. "Look they dropped something." I said, as we went over to it. Kendall picked it up, and we went back to the base.

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We are now back at the base. "I can't find any signs of the Rangers." Kendall said. "Blast your machine!" Ivan said. "Calm down, Ivan." I said. "We should be trick or treating." Ivan said. I chuckled.

Keeper was reading the document. "This document you found is a summon to the, Halloween Intergalactic Court. The Power Rangers are to be put on trial." Keeper said. "But, our comrades have committed no crimes." Ivan said. "Yeah." I said.

"The prosecutor is the monster, Scumlaw. He has never lost a single case." Keeper said. "He's never lost huh?" Kendall said, as she remembers something. "He must be cheating, by controlling the jury." Kendall said. "You're right." I said.

"The Court is very powerful, if our friends are given ten strikes, than they'll be destroyed. The only way you can get into the courtroom, is as a prisoner of the Mummy Guards." Keeper said. "But if we're captured, we'll be on trial as well." Ivan said. "Yeah, and that's not good." I said.

"Maybe, maybe not, I think I know a couple people who could help." Kendall said, as she went over to the computer.

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We are now outside. "Alien Bioscience, they're almost here, this better work." Kendall said. "Let's the performance begin." Ivan said. "Let's do this." I said.

"Sir Ivan, and Mr. Johnson! Our friends must be in danger, we've got to help them!" Kendall said. "We must save them!" I said. "To be or not to be, that is the question!" Ivan said.

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