Chapter Fifteen: Silver Secret

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Aaron POV

I am at Dino Café, with the others. "Rata, the N-Zed Boys. He's your friend?" Shelby asked. "Yeah, I met him, when I went back home, to New Zealand for summer. We're mates." Chase said.

Shelby was excited. Me, and Tyler look at them. "Look, they're adding another singer to the band. Ms. Morgan says, that they can hold audition here. So, he's just coming here to check out the Café. That's it." Chase said.

"He's just a singer, what's the big deal?" Tyler said. Shelby went over to him. "'Just a singer'? He touched the hearts, of the whole generation. And he's so cute." Shelby said. "Even before I started working here. Shelby has been a huge fan of them." I told Tyler.

Shelby turned around, and bumped into someone. "Hello." The guy said. "Wow, uh. Rata, this is Shelby. Shelby. Rata." Chase introduced. Shelby was frozen in shock.

"Back. One, two, three." Rata said. Shelby moves back a bit, as Rata took the bowl off. His shirt was covered in chocolate. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Rata." Shelby said. "It's just, Rata." Rata said.

"Thanks for letting us, hold auditions here, guys. It's really cool." Rata said. Koda came out of the kitchen. "Maybe Shelby can sing for you. Life is like...Triceratop-" Koda sang. Shelby hits him, and he went back into the kitchen.

"You really know, how to make an entrance. We're looking to possibly add girls to the group too." Rata said. Shelby looks at him. "Maybe you should audition." Rata said.

"Really? Me? I have written some music. And I love to, car in my sing- I mean, sing in my car." Shelby corrected herself.

"Come to the audition today, we'd love to see, what you could do." Rata said, as he leaves. "Sure." Shelby said. "See you guys." Rata said. "You betcha." Shelby said.

Riley's Morpher beeped. "I've got news." Kendall said. "Go ahead, Ms. Morgan." Riley said. "Rangers, you need to get to the McCadden Forest, right now. I've picked up a distress signal." Kendall said.

"Distress signal, from who?" Ivan asked. "It's the Silver Ranger." Kendall said. "He's on Earth?" Ivan questioned. "We're on our way." Tyler said. All of us went to the location.

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We got to the location. "Rangers, I've found you. Arcanon captured me, but I'm able to break free from his evil clutches. We must go quickly, before they catch up." The Silver Ranger said.

"Of course, mate. Let's head back to the base." Chase said. "Hold on, a second. We gave you all the data on our Megazords. How did Arcanon get his hands on it?" Tyler asked.

"Arcanon, will do anything to capture the Energems. That's why he forced me to create the Dino Chargers. Fortunately, I retrieved all twelve of them, when I escaped. See." The Silver Ranger said, as he showed us the Dino Chargers.

"Hold it. Only twelve? Not thirteen?" I asked. "Uh, yes. Twelve. I never created the Titano Charger." The Silver Ranger said. Riley remembers something. "Arcanon, dropped this." Riley said, as he show us the Titano Charger.

"The Titano Charger, you say you never made." Ivan said. "You are lying." Koda said.

"You Rangers are smarter than we thought. No matter." The Silver Ranger said, as he got out a blaster.

"Why you-" Ivan said.

"Time to meet, my Titano Morpher Blaster!" The Silver Ranger said.

"Energize!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

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