Chapter Twenty-Two: Here Comes Heximas

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Aaron POV

Me, and Tyler were holding bags, and entering the Dino Café. "Guys, we got the reeves." Tyler said. The both of us saw no one.

"Guys?" Tyler. "That's weird. Where is everyone?" I asked. We placed the bags down, and saw presents. "To Tyler, to Aaron, to Kendall. Open now?" I said, as I read the tags.

We head to the base.

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We got to the base. "Oh, hey Ms. Morgan, I-I mean Kendall." Tyler said. "Have you seen the others?" I asked. "Nope." Kendall said, as she shook her head.

A portal appeared. Koda, Ivan, and Keeper appeared. "Surpri- oh. Surprise!" Koda said. "Merry Christmas, friends!" Ivan said.

We hugged them. "Oh, it's so good to see you." Kendall said. "This is awesome." I said. "How did you guys-?" Tyler said. "Ah, Christmas. The best season for time-travel." Keeper said.

"Where everyone at?" Koda asked. "I think they open their gifts early upstairs." I said. "I found one for me too." Tyler said.

"See?" Tyler said, as he opens it. "Someone sent me coal?" Tyler questioned, as he hold it. He suddenly glowed.

"What is happening, Tyler?" Koda asked. Tyler got turned into an elf. "What on Earth?" Kendall said. Tyler suddenly laughs.

"Tyler you okay?" Koda asked. "I am not Tyler. I am an evil elf. My boss Heximas is going to make you all pay!" Tyler said.

"My god, he forgotten who he is!" Ivan said. Tyler tried to jump away, but Koda and Ivan caught him.

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Kendall was checking the coal. "This coal has a strange energy pattern." Kendall said. We look over to the tied-up Tyler.

"Let me go! I need to make presents to naughty children!" Tyler said. "It seems, Sir Tyler is under some kind of curse." Ivan said.

"Koda, you need to make Tyler remember who he is. It may be the only way to reak the spell he is under." Keeper said.

"You are Tyler. You do many great things like, you never give up finding your father. Even when you search seems hopeless, you keep looking. Finally you find your father, you could not have forgot that." Koda said.

Tyler changed back to normal. "Tyler?" Koda said. "I'm not an evil elf." Tyler said. Koda frees him. "I'm a Power Ranger. Woah, guys. That was not awesome." Tyler said.

"Good heavens, you're back." Ivan said. "I wasn't the first to open my present. Riley, Shelby, and Chase, they've opened them too." Tyler said.

"That's not good." I said. "Friends, they must be in trouble." Koda said.

The alarm beeped. "Rangers. I need your help again." Santa said, as he appeared on screen. "Anything, you need Santa." Kendall said.

"As you know, when kids are naughty. I give them coal for Christmas, but this year, someone else stolen every piece of coal that I have." Santa said. "I know where some of it went." Kendell said.

"And I know where, they've taken the rest." Santa said. "Send me the location, Santa." Kendall said.

"I have something you will need. Take these my friends." Keeper said, as he show us the Energems.

"Looks like we're going to have to save Christmas." Tyler said. "Again." I said. "Let's go." Tyler said, as all of us left the base. "Good luck, Rangers." Keeper said.

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