Chapter Six: Forged Under Fire

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Aaron POV

All of us are at the base. Riley, and Ivan were training. "Speed isn't everything, Sir Riley." Ivan said. Tyler, and James came into the base, through the slide. "Hey, guys!" Tyler greeted. "Welcome back, Tyler, Mr. Navarro." Koda said.

"Come on, dad. Let me show you around." Tyler said. "Want see my cave painting?" Koda asked. Tyler, and James looked at Koda's painting. "That's beautiful. It looks authentic, you must've studied at the university." James said. "At the uni- what?" Koda questioned.

"Dad, there's something I need to tell you about Koda, he's actually a-" Tyler was about to say. "Your sword, if I'm not mistaken it's from Zandar." James said, as he inspects Ivan's sword. "Yes, that is right." Ivan said. "Beautiful replica." James said. "Replica? King George himself, gave me this sword." Ivan said.

"The King George, gave it to you? Yeah right, next you'll be telling me that he's the Prince of Zandar." James said. "Prince Phillip III, pleased to meet you. Mr. Navarro." Phillip said, as they shook hands. "It's true he is a Prince, and also my boyfriend." I said, as Phillip wrapped his arm around me, and we smiled at each other.

"And Koda, is a caveman. He discovered the Blue Energem, One-Hundred Thousands Years ago. Oh, and Ivan was a Knight of Zandar. Eight-Hundred Years ago." Kendall said. "When they bonded to their Energems, they stopped aging. Just as you stopped aging Ten Years ago." Shelby said. James took out his Energem.

"Honestly, you and Tyler look more like brothers, than you do father and son." Chase said. "Incredible." James said. "Come on, bro." Tyler said.

"Hey what have you've been working on, Ms. Morgan?" Tyler asked. "Once, I'm done. Tyler's T-Rex Super Charger, should be able to access weapons from all of our Energems." Kendall said. "And we still have two left to trans-mute." Shelby said. "The Aqua, and Graphite Energems." I said.

"That Energem stole Ten Years of my life. Than again, it saved my life. I know it was decade ago, but it still seems like it was just yesterday. Rusty, and I were exploring a vast network of caves. When the place started to collapse, Rusty was in trouble, so I went back for him. He got out, but I was trapped by falling rocks. After the dust cleared, I realized I couldn't move. That's when I saw something in a fossil, I really didn't understand what was happening, but unfortunately somebody else did. A creature I've seen stalking us the day before. Days later, I've found my way out of the cave, but Fury never stopped chasing me. He was relentless, it was like he could smell my Energem. That's when I knew I couldn't go home, again. Risking my family in danger." James said.

"Can you ever forgive me?" James asked Tyler. "Of course, dad you didn't have a choice. But you don't have to run anymore." Tyler said. The alarm beeped. "What's that?" James asked. "Alien Bioscience." Kendall replied. "Let's check it out!" Tyler said.

"Mr. Navarro, Prince Phillip, I'm still transmuting your Energems. I can't interrupt the process, you both need to stay." Kendall said. "I just think, I should- I should go too." James said. "Dad, don't worry. We'll be fine." Tyler said. "Be careful, out there, Aaron." Phillip said. "Don't worry, I'll be safe." I said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

We arrived at the location, Morphed.

"Looking for trouble, Hunter?" Ivan said.

"Cause, you've found it!" Tyler said.

All of us begin fighting.

"You Rangers, are such pests! And I'll be the exterminator!" Hunter said.

"Crossbow, laser storm!" Hunter said, as he attack us.

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