Chapter Three: Nightmare in Amber Beach

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Aaron POV

All of us are at the Dino Café. Why are you upset about getting a 'B'?" Tyler asked looking at Shelby's test result. "It's a good grade." I said. "That's what I said." Riley said. "My parents would've celebrated, if I got a B." Chase said. "That's just it, my dad won't be happy, in my family getting a B!" Shelby said. Shelby's dad appeared. "Unbelievable! A 'B' just isn't good enough, Shelby Watkins." Mr. Watkins said. "Dad?" Shelby said surprised.

"You need to study harder, if you're going run Watkins Ice Cream." Mr. Watkins said. "Watkins Ice Cream? That's your family?" Tyler asked. "Yeah." Shelby replied. "Best Ice Cream, barred up. Here you go." Mr. Watkins said, as he gave Tyler some Ice Creams. Tyler handed one to each of us. "That's nice of you, dad." Shelby said. "It's not nice, it's smart. I have new customers, they are returning customers." Mr. Watkins said.

"Tell your friends." Mr. Watkins said to Tyler. Tyler nodded his head. Shelby went to talk with her dad.

Shelby was studying, and Heckyl gave Shelby a package. Shelby opens it, and found a pillow, she laid her head on it. She suddenly woke up with her Dino Saber.

"Stop! How'd you get in here?" Shelby yelled.

Shelby goes after Koda.

Koda, grabs a chair to block Shelby's attack.

"What I do wrong?" Koda asked.

Shelby continued trying to attack us.

"Shelby, stop! What are you doing?" Tyler asked, as Shelby pointed her Dino Saber at him.

Shelby continue trying to attack us.

Riley tried to stop her, but got pushed.

Shelby continues going after Tyler.

"Shelby, no!" Me, and Koda said.

Tyler grabbed the pillow, and Shelby sliced it.

Shelby suddenly stopped, and dropped her Dino Saber.

"Oh my gosh, I was having a terrible, nightmare." Shelby said.

Suddenly something came out of Shelby's head.

"What is that?" Chase said.

"What is going on here?" Kendall asked, as she came into the Dino Café.

"Surprise!" Nightmare said, as he appeared.

We got into a fighting stance.

"You foul monster, have at me!" Ivan said holding Shelby's Dino Saber.

"You must sleep, eventually. See you in your dreams!" Nightmare said, as he disappears.

Ivan tried to attack him, but he was gone.

"That thing was in your head!" Riley said.

"Really? It was in my dream too! It was so real, I dreamed you were all Vivix!" Shelby said.

"This isn't good, guys!" Tyler said.

"Definitely not!" I said.

"Down to the base, we need to make sure, you're okay." Kendall said.

All of us left the Dino Café.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

It is now night time, and all of us are in the base. "It doesn't seems to be anything wrong with you." Kendall said. "Something about that pillow, it came today with no return address." Shelby said. "I'll analyze the pillow." Kendall said, as she grabs the pillow.

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