018- Confrontation

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A few hours later, I was alone in my dorm as Pansy and Millie had both went to the library, but I decided not to go. I'm not sure why I didn't go, as I knew I would be lonley. I don't particularly like going to the library, I never have. I still need to think over what happened yesterday, I now know that Tracey Davis has spread around this rumor, even though it's true. She did see me coming out of Draco's dorm, it's no lie and now I think Blaise is getting suspicious.

I sat in my dorm, contemplating what had happened until I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and made my way over to the door to open it. When I did open it, I saw Tracey Davis standing outside of the door.

"What do you want?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her before she could even say anything.

"I need to talk to you." She sighed.

"What about?" I asked her.

"Can we go to my dorm?" She asked me, ignoring my question.

"Fine." I sighed, not wanting to cause an argument with her. I had nothing else to do so I decided to see what she wanted to talk about. Tracey left my dorm and I followed her, she guided me to her dorm and we entered.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"Just wait." She murmured. I was confused as to what we were waiting for but she kept her eyes on the door. A few minutes of us sitting in silence, the door suddenly opened. It was Blaise and Draco. Draco looked as confused as I was and Blaise looked quite annoyed.

"It took me ten minutes to convince him to follow me." Blaise huffed.

"Y/n didn't even hesitate." Tracey laughed.

"I'm sorry, why am I here?" I asked.

"Why am I here?" Draco asked after me.

"We all know that it's true, the rumor." Tracey said, making quotation marks for the word 'rumor'.

"That rumor isn't true, you just made it up." I scoffed.

"Why would I make this up?" Tracey asked me.

"For a starter, you don't like me. You also got rejected by Malfoy, so you have a reason to make up a rumor about us both." I crossed my arms.

"It's not a lie, even Blaise is starting to believe it." Tracey looked over at Blaise.

"Look, I saw Y/n coming from the boys dorms and then the next day Tracey was telling people that she saw Y/n coming out of Draco's dorm." Blaise defended his side of the story.

"I went to find Mattheo, that's why I was in the boys dorm. You must have seen someone else coming out of Malfoy's dorm and you might have mistaken them for me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"We know you and Draco are hiding something." Tracey sighed.

"Why would we hide something? We don't even like eachother, I hate him!" I protested.

"You two have been acting suspicious ever since we left the train on the first day back at Hogwarts." Blaise said.

"Fine, you two aren't going to let this go, so I'm just going to say it." Draco started. I gave him a glare as I knew what he was going to say." Yes, Y/l/n did come to my dorm. No, it is not what you think. She came to ask me if I had seen where Mattheo is and then we got into an argument as I wouldn't tell her. We didn't want anyone to know about this as it's embarassing for me to be seen with her or for me to even talk to her." Draco lied. He is a good liar, I'll give him that.

"You could have just said that at the beginning!" Blaise complained.

"Well, I didn't want people to know that I talked to Malfoy. It would have ruined my reputation." I joked.

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