020- Complicated Feelings

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The next day came quite quickly and it was the morning. It was a weekend, so I had no classes, which meant I could relax. Yesterday was weird, I'm not sure what came over me to compliment Draco but I'm very glad that he took it well.

A loud noise interupted my thoughts as Pansy fell out of her bed, again. She suddenly woke up, looking around, probably wondering why she was on the floor.

"Why do you always fall on the floor?"  I asked her, rubbing my eyes open as I sat up in my bed.

"It's not my fault." Pansy muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I sarcastically rolled my eyes. I stood up from my bed and Pansy stood up from the floor, we saw that Millie was still sleeping.

"Should we wake her up?" Pansy whispered to me.

"No, let her sleep." I whisper shouted.

"Fine, let's get ready and then we can wake her up if she's not already awake." Pansy sighed. I nodded in agreement and I went to the bathroom to get ready while Pansy waited in our room. It was late morning, so we should really wake up Millie as she hates waking up late. She's always been an early person, she wakes up early, she goes to class early. So, it's not everyday that Millie wakes up after me and Pansy.

I got dressed and then Pansy got dressed. Millie was still asleep, so we decided to wake her.

"How should we wake her?" Pansy asked me.

"The normal way?" I rhetorically aksed.

"Why can't we just splash her with water?" Pansy asked.

"Because Millie is a nice person." I said.

"Fine, let's just wake her up the normal way." Pansy rolled her eyes. Before we could else up Pansy, we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Pansy shouted at the door.

"Morning ladies." The door opened and it was Blaise, of course it was him. "Just got out of bed, I see and still in bed, I see." He chuckled, looking over at Millie.

"How is she still asleep? The amount of noise we've made." Pansy sighed.

"I can help wake her up." Blaise suggested. He then slammed shut our door. Millie suddenly awoke and sat up in her bed.

"Looking beautiful, Millie." Blaise joked as Millie has bed hair.

"Shut up, what is he even doing here?" Millie groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"We're not sure, but he woke you up. It's like twelve o'clock." I told her.

"Wow, it's really late. So, Blaise, what are you doing here?" Millie asked Blaise.

"I was just coming to ask if you all wanted to come to Hogsemade with me, Draco and Mattheo." Blaise said.

"Yeah, we would love to." Pansy said, me and Millie nodded our heads.

"We will be in the common room when you are ready as Millie is obviously not ready yet." He laughed.

"Get out!" Millie groaned.

"Alright, see you soon." Blaise chuckled and raised his hands in a surrender motion and then exited our dorm.

"I need to get ready." Millie said and made her way to the bathroom. I styled my hair while Pansy did the same. By the time Millie came out of the bathroom, we were all dressed and ready to go. We all put on our shoes and made our way to the common room. We saw the boys standing near the entrance to the common room, so we walked over to them. They were all dressed quite nice. Draco had a black suit on and he had his hair perfectly flat, he looked quite nice. What? Did I just think that? No, that's wrong.

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