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The day is the day to make a move. With one determined soul, I push myself out of bed. Which is quite difficult. Instead of getting off the bed, I just look like a fish out of water, heavily lifting my body out of bed. Can I just stay here for a little while? I'm a responsible adult, I can do whatever I want and if I want to stay in bed, then I shall stay in bed. The problem is: I have a plan for today, and it's now or never.

Just give me a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, to allow the visions of the night to give way to the morning, to move from that which I create on a whim to things more fixed and real. Rubbing my eyes to remove some morning eye gunk, in a few minutes I will be able to greet the sunlight, to see the colors of the morning as bright as the backlight images of cinema screens; I will adjust. For now, let it come with the subtleness of a gentle dawn, and let me doze underwing. I'll get up soon, I'll be productive, I promise to myself.

With a heavy groan, I slowly slip out of bed, falling onto the floor with a loud thud. Well, whoever is living under me, I'm so sorry. Heavy breathing begins to occur in my lungs, as if I just ran away from the mafia or something. Perhaps a shower will remove all these wearinesses I'm having. The coffee and the letter to the mystery woman can both wait. I need to at least wake my body up with some cold shower.

From the carousel of random ideas comes some order-a subtle awareness of who I am under the flow of thoughts with their loose connections to my waking life.

Alright, here we go, the morning podcast of the day as I prepare myself to take a shower. Take it away, brain.

After a few moments more I begin to analyze those said connections in a lazy way, perhaps these ideas are meant to be kept. Some are composed as if from a book I once read before, some are just comedic and silly. In another moment, they are gone, leaving no trace. If they are still in my head, there is no bread crumb trail to get back to them.

My eyelids slowly flicker open when the sunlight hit my eyes from the window. I squint my eyes close, willing to regain my vision back and the carousel of thoughts to return to me, trying to let my mind tumble back to the memory of yesterday. The tasks of the day are quite demanding I think about them, I'll find the solutions, get the task done by the day's end. I'm quite aware that once I delivered the letter to the mystery woman, there's no holding back nor retreating. For now, I'll need that cold shower to regain my last consciousness that is still sleeping.

Stepping into the bathroom to have my quick shower, there's no need to listen to music since this will just be going to be a quick one. Plus, I might risk having a mental breakdown so early in the morning. Early birds just get the worm, not have a mental breakdown before diving to get the worm. Thinking about it, do birds experience mental breakdown? If only I have a friend who's an ornithologist-is that what people that study birds called? I don't know-I would have my answer with one quick text.

Wait a minute. Who am I kidding? Internet exists, I can just do a quick search. Well, after the shower, I wouldn't want to risk destroying my phone in the shower. I'll make a mental note about that.

Moving on to the task at hand, I strip out of my clothes and twist the shower diverter. The cold morning shower grazes through my body like I'm in the Antarctica, and yet my body didn't seem to be bothered at that at all. Sooner or later, my body can't feel the coldness of the water dripping all around me. I have noting to do about that cold water. When winter comes lurking from the corner, it will get colder. But I really don't mind the cold, I already got used to it, so there's no need to worry about it.

After a beat, the weariness I've felt earlier fades away from my body. Thank God for that, I won't be experiencing a heavy feeling all around my body when walking around town. I pull out the towel hanging behind the bathroom door and I begin to dry myself up before wrapping the towel around my waist and stroll over to my wardrobe in my bedroom. I don't quite feel being fashionable today, so it wouldn't hurt to wear a light-shadow toned with a pearl white outline around every hole of the long-sleeve sweater and just some plain midnight black pants. Since I'm wearing quite a dark clothing, might as well wear shoes that are dark. I grab a rubber shoes that's mix in with a dark raven shade and a snowy-white color.

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