Chapter Thirty-two

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We’re still on the road and the ride to Gracetown is so long.

    We’ve been on the road for more than an hour now and Daniel occupied himself with my hair, his fingers combing lightly and examining them as if they’re some sort of new species.

    “Your hair is so soft,” he whispers. I give a little giggle because of his tone. He says it like he can’t believe it’s soft.

    Nick groans loudly. “Enough with the PDA already,” he says, glaring at us through the rear view mirror.

    “Shut up or I’ll get my cousin back,” he threatens. Nick shuts up.

    “Cousin?” I ask Daniel in a low whisper so only he can hear.

    “Stacy’s my cousin. His girlfriend,” he explains in an informing tone like he’s telling me about the anatomy of the vagina.

    “No way,” I say. He didn’t tell me about this. I can’t believe he’s cousins with Stacy. I’m still gaping when he chuckles and says, “Yes way.”

A tap on my shoulder wakes me up.

    I didn’t realize I’ve been sleeping the whole way to Gracetown. Daniel sits beside me and he’s looking at me with a supressed smile. “What?” I groan at him.

    “You look cute while sleeping,” he says. He leans over and opens my side of the door. “Come on, baby.” We’re the first ones to go down the car as Nick turns off the engine. When the rest of us go down, Nick open the trunk and lets us get our things, Daniel insists on carrying my duffel bag.

    Nick leads us to the lobby of Borzois Residences, which is her mom’s French maiden name. The hotel is fancy and royal like a king used to live here. The lights were a light yellow that adds up to the fanciness and the walls are crown marble.

    Everything is shiny, even the bellman’s head.

    Nick accommodates three single bed rooms and two couple ones, giving us each our room keys. We’re all in the same floor but our rooms are scattered. Me and Daniel got 421 as Nick announced. I didn’t really listen to the other room numbers but my ears couldn’t help but grasp Jonathan’s.

    423. Just a room in between. 

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