4th first day - Chapter ONE

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Rosabelle tossed over to face her bedroom window, eyes still closed. Her linen curtains barely blocked anything on the other side of the slightly opened window. The morning sun hit her face and touched her tan skin with warmth. She pulled her silk covers over eyes to block the sun. Eventually, she gave in to the morning light and rubbed her eyes until they felt awake enough to open. She propped herself up into her bed and glanced over at her bedside table. It was unusually organised. A salt lamp, a diary, pencil and of course, a wand. She reached her hand out and grabbed the diary and pencil. Writing seemed to be one of the things Rosabelle loved most in this world. Whether it is fictional, non-fictional, something to document... she loves it. 

Dear Diary, 

It's finally here, 4th year. I'm not sure why this year seems to feel so different, but it does. I have that weird feeling in my stomach that I get after I've been laughing too much. I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited. I guess you could say I'm a combination. Everyone in the grades above me always rave about how 4th year was what got them into the real stages of teenage life. I'm not talking about the rowdy events or the near death experiences, because I've been having near death experiences since 1st year. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I have been writing to each other all summer. It's been a bummer not being able to see them all summer, but I know I will feel amazing when I get to see their faces on the train for the first time since last school year. It's not like I get to see them every summer, but when I do, it is always a blast. I've prepacked as I do each year and I've made sure I haven't forgotten anything. Not like last year when I accidentally packed a 'Draco is a dick' poster instead of spare parchement. To be fair, the poster wasn't mine... it was Ron's. I cannot blame him for making it though, not after Draco called Hermione a... a mudblood. Hopefully Malfoy had time to replenish his soul this summer and is going to come back to school with a better attitude. Although, I certainly doubt it. I can confirm that this year I am returning to Hogwarts with an attitude ready to expect anything! Like all the muggles at home say, I'm now at the age where the real adventures begin. Let's just pray that this year goes well. Not just for me, for everyone. I'll be sure to keep you updated! 

- Rosabelle G. 

She slipped her diary and pencil into a shoulder bag that was perfectly placed on top of her suitcase, already packed and ready to be put in the trunk of her car. She opened her bedroom door and walked down her stairs to the kitchen. She immediately smelt freshly cooked toast as she turned the corner to enter the kitchen. 

"Morning Mum!" Rosabelle said in her morning voice. 

Her Mother looked up from buttering the toast with avocado, "Morning Rosie, excited for school?" She placed the avocado toast on a plate and placed it infront of Rosabelle who had taken a seat. 

Rosabelle took a bite out of the toast and nodded, "Very excited. I'll just get changed, do my hair and we shall be on our way to the train station." 

"Sounds good. Do you want me to curl your hair for you, or are you ok to do it on your own?" Her Mother asked. 

"I think I should be alright, I'll call if I need you. Thank you for breakfast!" Rosabelle smiled. 

Her Mother nodded and ate the crust left on her plate. Rosabelle skipped up the stairs and changed into blue loose fitted jeans, with a white, long sleeved cotton shirt with a lace neckline. She clipped on her special necklace and began to curl her hair. She loved curling her hair. It always reminded her of a princess from one of those muggle movies. Her long, brunette hair suited the hairstyle very much. She carefully brushed out the curls and sprayed them with hold spray. She took a small hair tie and tied half of it up into a low pony. She grabbed her suitcase and shoulder bag from her room and looked around.