Evolving - Chapter FIFTEEN

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It had already been two weeks since Christmas, and everyone was back at the platform 9 3/4, ready to start school after winter break. Rosabelle settled down into a comfortable position in the compartment of the train. She felt her eyelids become heavier and heavier. She closed her eyes and rested her head on Harry's shoulder next to her. For the rest of the trip there, she sat in the exact same position, leaning on Harry, completely asleep. After being on the train for a rather long time, she felt someone shake her arm gently. 

"Rosie, Rosie wake up. We're here." Harry whispered. 

Rosabelle opened her eyes and lifted her head off of Harry. She closed her eyes again and rubbed them ever so gently. She knew her face was puffy, but she had curled her lashes and put mascara on that morning, so it somewhat hid her tired face. But she was tired. She had been having terrible nightmares for 3 days prior going back to school. It was a very twisted night mare. She started off in her room, everything normal. She then proceeds to get up and walk down the stairs. The whole house is dark and gloomy, besides her bedroom. She walks into the kitchen and sees a little girl. She's bleeding on the side of her rib cage, profusley. She tries to go to the little girl who looks all so familiar, but she just screams, and screams, and screams. 

Rosabelle jumped off of the train and Hermione held her arm so that she could guide Rosabelle while she closed her eyes to rest them. Finally, Rosabelle opened her eyes once they arrived at the front doors of Hogwarts. Every student went to the Great Hall and ate dinner. As Rosabelle sat there, she got that strange feeling she had felt on the Weasley's stairs. Except this time, this time it felt magically related. It hurt, but it felt powerful, almost. It soon stopped feeling magic-related, and her heart felt peculiar. She tried to mask the pain she was feeling, but she couldn't hide it for much longer. 

"Guys I'm really tired, I think I might go to bed..." Rosabelle said. 

Harry frowned, "Goodnight..." 

"Night Rosie." Ron said, munching on a bread roll. 

"Goodnight Rosie, sleep well!" Hermione said. 

"Goodnight." Rosabelle smiled. 

Rosabelle walked through the halls of Hogwarts holding her chest. The pain became sharp and Rosabelle stopped to lean againt the infrastructure. As she leant against the wall, someone stood infront of her with a concerned expression on their face. 

"Rosabelle, are you alright?" Cedric asked. 

Rosabelle immediately tried to hide her pain once again and responded, "Oh yeah... thank you." 

"Are you sure?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yeah. I just got a little light headed for a second. What are you doing out here?"

"I just went up to the Owlery. I went to send a letter to my Father." Cedric answered. 

"Ohhh..." Rosabelle said.

Cedric looked at Rosabelle intensely, and then looked just below her eye. 

"Is... everything alright?" Rosabelle asked confused. 

Cedric nodded, "Oh, yes. You just- you have an eyelash on your cheek." 

Rosabelle wiped underneath her eye and attempted to get the eyelash on her hand. 

Cedric smiled and said, "May I?"

Rosabelle nodded her head. Cedric lifted up a hand and cupped her cheek. He delicately wiped his thumb across her cheek. He gently moved his hand away from her face and then took her hand in his. He placed the eyelash in her hand and said, "Make a wish..."