Rainy days and the perfect dress - Chapter TEN

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Hogwarts had given the students a special treat. They allowed a week off before The Yule Ball for the students to prepare, socialise and practice their dancing skills. Rosabelle took advantage of this time to read literature and books her mother had sent her, along with her Yule Ball gown. She didn't want to open it until she was alone, so she waited for Hermione and Parvati to leave the dormitory so that she could see it. It seemed like a perfect day for Rosabelle. It was cold, and the rain accompanied the cold air. This was prime weather for reading. Rosabelle untangled her braid that she slept in, creating wavy locks of hair. They untangled so easily, so softly. Rosabelle read the letter attatched to the dress box. 

Dear My little Rosie, 

It seems you are not so little anymore. You're attending the ball! I went to an old friend for this dress and believed it would look so magnificent on you. When I imagined you in it, I thought that it was specifically made for you. I hope you love it, beautiful girl. I love and miss you my Rose. 

- From you're Mother  xxx

For some reason, that note made a tear stream down Rosabelle's cheek. She took a deep breath and took the top off the dress box off. It revealed a beautiful deep, velvet blue dress with sparkled detailing on it. She took the whole dress out of the box and it fell into a strapless neckline, with sparkled detailing on the breast and torso part of the dress. The detailing faded less and less down the  huge ball gown skirt. 

"Wow..." Rosabelle whispered to herself. 

She held the dress upto her body and held up half of her hair, looked in the mirror and smiled. Her mother was right. The dress was made for her. 



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Rosabelle hung the dress up in her cupboard, out of sight. She wanted to surprise everyone, just like Hermione wanted too as well. In fact, not showing Hermione Rosabelle's was Hermione's idea. She said she wanted the best first impression of the dress, seeing Rosabelle all dressed up, looking beautiful. Rosabelle changed out of her pyjama's into Mum jean corduroy creame pants and a light green turtle neck jumper. She pulled her long brunette hair out of her jacket and tied on her hightop converse shoes. She put her shoulder bag on and grabbed her book, Romeo and Juliet. 

She decided to walk around the back of the castle, by the Black Lake. As she walked, she saw Cedric and Cho together. Cedric had a pocket tissue, he was showing it to Cho. Rosabelle tried to ignore them until Cedric spotted her. She didn't know what to do, so she walked back up to the castle in a discreet manner. Cedric smiled from the distance, and Rosabelle returned the smile. She was unsure as to why she was so phased by them together. It was no big deal. That's what she kept telling herself. 

She decided to go on an adventure to Hogsmeade. Now that the students were basically on a break from classes, they were allowed to travel to Hogsmeade. She walked there and decided to drop into Honeydukes Sweetshop and buy some of her friends favourites. As she walked in, she heard a familiar voice. 

"Please, Ms. I won't ever ask for a discount again!" Fred pleaded. 

Rosabelle giggled and walked up to the counter, placed currency on her counter and said, "It's alright, whatever he won't pay for I will..." 

Fred turned around and saw Rosabelle. He quickly slid the coins into his hand, "No she won't. Here's the rest of the money... no more discounts I promise." 

Rosabelle picked up some chocolate frogs and placed them on the counter. Once she paid for them, she walked back outside of the shop to see Fred standing in the cold waiting for her. 

"What're you doing alone? Where's your little pack?" Fred joked. 

"My pack... is back at the castle. I thought I'd get some chocolate for them." Rosabelle responded. 

Fred walked beside Rosabelle as she asked, "So where's your other half?" 

"George is with Angelina," Fred answered. 

Rosabelle looked puzzled, "But aren't you and Angelina the ones that should be hanging out? I mean, you asked her to the Ball and everything..." 

"Yeah, I know. Angelina and I are just friends, it's George she really likes and he likes her." George explained. 

"And you?" Rosabelle added. 

"Me?" Fred asked confused. 

"You. Why did you ask her?" Rosabelle asked. 

Fred smirked, "Just to show Ron I have game." 

Rosabelle laughed and shook her head, "It's hard to imagine Freddie having game." 

"You don't have to imagine it, cause he already does," Fred joked. "Bit of a dick move by Cedric if you ask me. I- I hope you don't mind me saying..." 

"Why do you say that?" She asked. 

"Well you know, he should've known the words he said would get back to you and around to everyone. Like him saying he was going to ask you not only fucked you over because you were expecting to go with him, but it stopped other people from wanting to ask you cause they didn't want to get in the way of you and Cedric," Fred explained. 

"How do you know people would've asked me?" Rosabelle asked. 

"Oh, Galano... you don't know the half of it." Fred laughed. 

"Well go on! Tell me the half of it, please." She smiled. 

"Alright, alright." Fred laughed. "People talk about you, Galano. You're a person to talk about, I guess." 

Rosabelle was confused, but just spoke what came to mind, "You are a person to talk about too. You and George always playing pranks. The notorious Weasley twins, the dynamic duo."

"We are quite legendary, I know..." Fred smirked. 

The two of them walked to the castle and they ran into Angelina and George.

"Better break these two up before she gets confused about who is taking her to the dance." Fred joked. 

"Good luck with that..." Rosabelle giggled. 

Rosabelle wandered the castle as she read her literature. She felt someone brush her shoulder once again and she looked up, expecting to see Cedric, but she saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Sorry..." She apologised. 

"You should be... you've been doing that too much these days, you know that?" Goyle said nastily. 

"Shut up, Goyle. Just because your parents have some weird grudge against her Mother doesn't mean you take it out on her. You're pissing me off, you idiot." Draco pitched. 

Goyle looked surprised, and didn't say another word. Was Draco actually nice for once?