The Triwizard Cup - Chapter TWO

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"Triwizard cup? Are you serious? That competition is extremely dangerous for anyone who enters it! I cannot believe it's actually happening." Hermione said. 

After Dumbledore announced that the Triwizard Cup was going to be held at Hogwarts this year, the students couldn't stop talking about it. 

"It might be exciting though, the schools coming to stay here..." Harry added. 

"Yeah, it will be a great opportunity to meet new people, but it's a rather barbaric competition. People have died, Harry." Hermione explained. 

"Eternal glory..." Ron said with a huge, dreamy smirk on his face. 

"Ronald don't be stupid!" Hermione said in a mother-like tone. 

"It's a good thing there's an age restriction on the contestants entering though." Rosabelle said. 

Hermione agreed. 

Everyone in the hall spoke about it for the rest of dinner. Not to blame them of course, news like that is a huge bomb to drop. Dinner was dismissed and everyone headed back to their common rooms. On the way to the Gryffindor common room, Fred and George couldn't stop plotting. 

"We'll find out a way to enter, I know we will..." Fred assured George. 

"Are you both crazy? You could be seriously injured or killed. Besides, there's an age restriction." Hermione said. 

"Alright Mum, but it'd be pretty sick to win it" Fred smiled. 

"She's right. It's not the best idea to enter a competition like this..." Rosabelle said in a soft tone. 

"Maybe not to you guys, but in our brains the only word we see is 'epic'..." George grinned. 

Rosabelle shook her head and walked into the common room with Hermione. They said goodnight to Harry and Ron and headed up to their dorm with Parvati. They showered and got into their pj's ready for bed. They climbed into their beds and got comfortable under the covers. 

"It's crazy, isn't it? This tournament." Parvati asked. 

"Very crazy..." Hermione answered. 

The three of them drifted off to sleep. The first night at Hogwarts was already more eventful than  one could imagine. 

The next morning, Hermione and Rosabelle headed downstairs in their robes with their books in their hands ready for class. 

"It feels like we had no break at all, but at the same time it feels like we've been gone forever..." Rosabelle said to Hermione. 

"I recognise the feeling" Hermione smiled. 

The two girls walked to class, Astronomy. Astronomy was one of Rosabelle's favourite classes. She was always fascinated by the sky. Classes went by really quickly and it was already the second last class for the day. That was Potions. Unfortunately, Professor Snape was the one teaching the class since Professor Moody was in charge of DADA. The whole lesson, Snape had the students complete textbook and theory work. Hermione obviously never minded doing it, neither did Rosabelle. Just as the rest of the classes, Potions flew by and it was time to head to Herbology. 

"The day has gone by so fast" Hermione stated. 

"I know right, it's probably because everyone has been too preoccupied with talking about the tournament" Rosabelle assumed. 

"Probably..." Hermione agreed. 

The two girls walked with Neville Longbottom to Herbology class, greenhouse 3 and waited for Professor Sprout to begin the lesson.