Best friends in ball gowns - Chapter TWELVE

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As Rosabelle awoke the morning after the ball, her feet were throbbing. Presumably from dancing and the rubbing of her shoes on the back of her heels. But now pain from her feet could amount to the pain Hermione was feeling. One of her best friends could not possibly be happy for her and the night she spent with 'Prince Charming' also known as Viktor Krum. Rosabelle woke up early and went to get some of Hermione's favourite snacks from the Great Hall before anyone took them all. She loved walking through the castle before most people were awake. It was so peaceful, and the morning sun always looked so beautiful when it first peaked through the castles corridors and windows. 

Rosabelle entered the almost empty Great Hall and picked up some of the breakfast treats and wrapped them in a small napkin. She made her way back to her dorm room and placed the treats on Hermione's bedside table. Rosabelle climbed back under her warm bed covers and picked up her diary. She fluffed up her pillows, lifted her legs up to rest her diary on them and began to write.

Dear Diary,
It's been a strange few weeks. Last night was the Yule Ball! I had a blast. Well, I had a blast until the very end. Ron let his ego get in the way of Hermione and her night. I'll retell the story quickly. To summarise the drama, basically, Ron didn't like the fact that Hermione had a date as amazing as Viktor Krum and I think he was actually mad at himself that he didn't ask her sooner. I can remember the first day I told you I had a feeling Ronald liked Hermione, and that feeling hasn't gone away since. Anyways, Ron was a real idiot last night and took out all his anger on Hermione and of course Hermione tried to be as strong as possible, but it ruined her night. On the bright side, she looked stunning last night. It was quite wonderful seeing everyone all dressed up. Fred, George and I managed to get Professor Flitwick to crowd surf. It was definitely something to see. It's almost Christmas, which reminds me that Mother wrote me a letter. It must have something to do with Christmas because she has put a small santa hat sticker on the envelope. I was going to open it last night, but I was rather stressed while I was getting ready. I know I never talk about boys, but Cedric has been particularly weird lately. I'm probably over reacting and I don't have much experience with guys, I mean... at all, but he has been so weird. Fred told me not long ago that apparently he was going to ask me to the ball and everyone in his year knew that, but he didn't. He asked Cho Chang. I didn't mind the fact he didn't ask me, I was just confused why he told everyone he was going to ask me, but suddenly didn't. Then, last night I looked at him across the dance floor smiling, then his grin faded away. Diminished rather than faded. Believe me, I know Cedric and I don't have anything, I mean, if he had any feelings towards me you would think he would ask me to the ball, right? Anyways, I went stag and I thought it was a powerful move. Sort of smart, too. It saves the stress of worrying about if you and your dates outfits match. I think I've covered basically everything, so I'll talk to you soon!
- Rosabelle G.

Rosabelle shut her diary and placed it inside the drawer of her bedside table. Rosabelle sat on her bed for a while, watching snow fall and the clock tick. Hermione still wasn't awake but then again it was rather early. Rosabelle looked over at her bedside table and saw the letter addressed to her, with a small santa sticker on it. She peeled off the sticker and for some reason stuck it onto her reading book. She smiled softly and picked up the letter. She opened up the envelope and unfolded the letter placed inside.

Dear my Rosie,
I hope the ball was a blast! Although, I'm not sure when you're reading this so if you haven't gone yet, then i'm sure it will be a blast! I miss you so much my girl. I sometimes find myself in your bedroom, sitting on the windowsill you like so much. I'm afraid I have some news to tell you. This Christmas I won't be home. I got a call from your Fathers phone. It was a receptionist at a hospital in Boston, US. He's been injured, and seeing as we are still married and he is unable to grant his wishes due to the state he is in, I have to fly over and do what I think is best for him. I'm so sorry gorgeous girl. I wish to be spending Christmas with you, but all of these muggle lawyers are trying their best to help us, and unfortunately they have to do this over Christmas. Please write back to me when you get the chance. We will figure something out I promise. I love you more than you will ever know.