Tis the season! - Chapter THIRTEEN

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It was finally Christmas break. Everyone at Hogwarts had said their goodbyes and went back to their homes or went away for Christmas. Very few students stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas though. It was the 24th, Christmas Eve. Rosabelle had to travel back to her home to collect her presents because the time she had sent her letter to her Mother, she had already booked her flights to go to Boston. That meant she couldn't send the luggage over, so Rosabelle decided to go home, collect the presents and pick up a few things to take to the Weasley's.

Rosabelle stood at the front door of her house. She picked up the key that was under a succulent on her porch and unlocked the front door. The door slowly crept open. Rosabelle went inside and shut the door behind her. She immediately turned all the lights on and ran up to her bedroom. She flopped onto her bed. There was rarely ever a better feeling than being on your own bed for the first time in months. After laying on her bed for a while, she went over to her window and decided to write an entry in her diary. 

Dear Diary, 

This is most likely going to be a short entry. I have arrived home for Christmas break, but only to grab some things and go to the Weasley's. The house is empty. Mother is visiting my Father as he is in hosptial. I wish I knew why, but at the same time I don't care. It's probably the universes way of saying, "Stuff you John!" The air is brittle, It's a brittle winter. I hope that this Christmas I'm distracted from everything going on with Mother and John. I'm scared for Mum. Even if my Father is in critical condition, he can play mind games. I just want her to be alright. I wonder why she went back? What does she gain from doing that? Anyways, I think I must be jealous she is going to be with that man instead of me for Christmas. I hope your Christmas is great. Thank you for listening. 

- Rosabelle G.

Rosabelle distracted her mind and decided to wrap all of the gifts she has for her friends. She has one for Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ginny, Fred, George,Ron, Hermione, Harry and one for Percy as well. Although, he won't be home for Christmas, so she will just leave that there instead. He is doing work experience over the holidays at the Ministry. Rosabelle grabbed some things from her closet. She sprayed some of her perfume on her neck and put the presents she has for her friends in a big Christmas bag. She made her way to the fireplace in her living room. She looked next to it, seeing no Christmas tree. That made her stomach drop. It was usually the little things in life that could tip you over the edge. But she didn't want to show it, so she imagined last years tree and put a smile on her face. She put some floo powder in her hand and said, "The Weasley's Burrow!" as she through the floo powder on the ground. She vanished from her living room and once again, the house was empty. 

Rosabelle opened her eyes, and saw the Weasley's burrow. She instantly smiled as she saw the dishes doing themselves and presents under their tree. Rosabelle stepped out of the fireplace and heard footsteps running down the stairs. 

Ginny ran infront of Rosabelle and smiled brightly at her, "Hey! You're here!" Ginny gave her a hug and yelled, "Guys! Rosie is here!" 

Rosabelle laughed as she heard Mrs Weasley yell excitedly, "Where is she?" Mrs Weasley came into the room and smiled at Rosabelle before throwing her arms around her, "Oh my goodness! Hello my dear!" 

"Hello Mrs Weasley. Thank you so much for letting me spend Christmas with you all." Rosabelle smiled.

Mrs Weasley took the bags out of Rosabelle's hands and placed them near the Christmas tree, "Oh don't be silly my dear... you're always welcome!" 

Harry and Ronald quickly came down and they greeted her with a smile and a hug. Soon after that, George came down. 

"Hey Rosabelle!" George smiled.